Chapter 13: Guys Night

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When there's a girls night, there's a guys night. Rather than doing it in the middle of the week like the girls, chose to do it after training on Saturday. Luckily, the academy is on 'lockdown' after dinner, so no one gets in or out to cause chaos. All of the other guys know how to party but Peter. He had only ever been to one house part and it ended with Flash Thompson having everyone chanting Penis Parker. The only time he's had alcohol was a fancy glass of champagne at a high end charity event Tony hosted. He didn't get tipsy, but then again champagne is sparkling juice with a splash of alcohol.
Peter is the odd one out with only one glass of whiskey in and feeling it hit. This made him nervous. Was he supposed to have this reaction yet? Some of the guys were feeling a but horns and thought about dragging some of the girls to... get jiggy with it, but that defeats the purpose of guys night. So scratch that.

The thought of hooking up with girls just makes Peter nervous. He was a virgin and sometimes he blushes when he's watching porn. And he's completely alone with that. But then his mind travels to Laura and he just feels disrespectful. She's beautiful and he would not deny her if that's wanted to do, but he doesn't like thinking like that.
For entertainment while on lockdown, they had Cards Against Humanity stashed away, waiting to be opened. The rules were simple. Whoever had the worst card, that wasn't even close to making sense or being funny in that turn had to take a shot.

"Yo Parker! Come play." A red headed guy said.

Peter hadn't gotten to know everyone yet so he has no idea who just called him over. He's never played this game before and had to be taught it. He just prayed his cards made him funny. Just the thought be sloshed made Peter nervous. He doesn't know how he is drunk and sure doesn't want to find out.

"Alright first card. It has one blank. 'Do not fuck with me! I'm literally blank right now." Everyone looked down with smirks on their faces.

All the other guys had what they thought but Peter had zero clue what to put down that made sense. He had Daddy's credit card, alcoholism, a powerpoint presentation, Ebola, becoming a blueberry, and foreskin. He put down the one about the blueberry because it was the only one that 'made sense'. He definitely did not win that one.

"I don't know if I should drink this guys." Peter stated nervously.

"Parker boy, have you ever had alcohol?" A blond asked.

"N-no. Not really. Only champagne at a gala Tony threw but nothing else." Part of him felt ashamed to say that in front of a bunch of well seasoned drinkers.

"Parker, Parker, Parker, Parker!" The guys started chanting.

Peter has never been good with peer pressure. He ended up giving in and downed the liquid. He made a face at the straight up whiskey. Then the burn came.

"If I'm going to do this I'm going to need something different because that was terrible." The guys cheered after Peter said that.

One even grabbed his shoulders and shook him. He was totally going to regret this in the morning. A few turns in and he has yet to win one. The alcohol is settling in and it was hitting harder than expected. Everyone said that it was a gradual buzz that gets stronger. To him in this moment, they were wrong. Everything is slightly hazy and dirty jokes that usually make him uncomfortable are making him giggle like a schoolgirl. Usually talking about boobs makes him blush but not tonight.

"Alright this card has two blanks. Lifetime presents blank the Story of blank." Peter looked down at his cards and he decided to pick 'Being a mother fucking sorcerer' and 'masturbating'.

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