Chapter 8: Heated

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They have made it to the second Saturday at the academy. It is all the same, how they have to be to every session at a certain time and be on time, early call time to be there, boring breakfast, and Peter trying to crack Laura's code so he can get the intriguing girl to open up. Of course she doesn't budge. Miles is still thinking of that girl. He thinks about her so much that you would think he's in love. All he wants is to know this mysterious girl and what she possibly has to do with the future of Alchemax. Unlike last weekend, they are together in one group. Today was "intense" combat training. For them it felt like a refresher course from last week. How intense can things get when it's only the second weekend?

All suited up, the twelve individuals stood there in a line, waiting for instruction. When the rest of the Avengers showed up, they all became serious from they're nonchalant, still waking up fazes. If you were in Tony's shoes the only thing that would be running through your head right now is "Damn not only do they look super professional but I did a fantastic job on the suits". Starting to walk up to the recruits, Tony starts talking.

"Last weekend, in my opinion, was a success especially for a start of something new. This weekend we're amplifying it up a bit. Instead of working with dummies, you will be carefully working with each other. I emphasized carefully because though most of you can heal in under a minute, unfortunately some can not. So I beg you to please be careful." He chuckled nervously. Tony couldn't stress enough that he doesn't want anyone getting hurt.

"So we all know everyone's favorite thing is to pick their partners. Even as a 40 something year old adult I still like doing that." The rest of the Avengers gave Scott an odd look. "Sorry to burst your bubble but we picked your partners." Scott added stepping up.

The look of disappointment on some of their faces made him want to chuckle. Everyone, no matter what age, loves to pick their partners. But who can blame them? It's already someone that they put their trust into. They would much rather "fight" someone who they trust to kick their ass and not break it. But to no surprise, Tony has tricks up his sleeve. Of course there's security cameras around the academy, what they don't know is that there's microphones. He knows who isn't fond of each other. This made the "bad guy" role of choosing partners more fun for him. He went down the line and assigned the partners. But when he made it to Laura, he paused. She, for once, felt nervous.

"Miss Kinney, your partner is Mr. Parker." he claimed.

Shocker... Like always, she is cursing Stark out silently. Why? Why him? She would've preferred one of the other girls over him. She could easily kick their asses and enjoy it. Some of them need it. They need their egos bruised. They all get in the ring they were assigned to. They were allowed to do a couple practice rounds but nothing serious. Not yet. Before they can get on with the action, they are instructed on how they shouldn't hurt each other and what moves NOT to perform or the other will be in a lot of pain. Laura felt as if she wasn't doing any work. Xavier made them do all of this in training at the institution. She was relieved when the practice rounds were over. Now it's go time.

The only time the fights were actually interesting was when it was someone that she really hates loses and slightly limps away, trying to play it off as if they weren't hurting. Next up, her and Peter. For the fact that the same rules were given to each pair, Laura didn't really listen. Once she was able to be face to face with the Parker boy, she gave an evil smile that made Peter very uneasy.

"I promise to take it easy, ok?" Peter said nervously.

Laura didn't say anything, just smiled. She knew he was too damn nervous to actually mean his words. The worried look on his face gave him away. In the practice rounds, they gave each other equal leverage. But now it's the real deal. No mercy... ish. So it begins. The boy lunged first and she ducked out of the way. Too easy. Too predictable. Peter thought he was being slick by faking a Roundhouse Kick and then coming right up with a punch but Laura caught his fist before he could retaliate. Peter looked at her with slight fear and shock. She smirked and used the paused as her opportunity to do her thing. Quickly she kneed him in the gut and elbowed the side of his face. She lightly chuckled.

"Peter that's child's play. Now show me what Spider-Man has in store. No hesitation. Get up." She mocked.

Peter straightened out and won't take it easy. He took a deep breath and concentrated on his 'Peter Tingle'. Laura looked at him as if he smelt bad. What the hell was this guy doing? She shook it off and repositioned. When the buzzer went off, Peter charged at Laura, only to miss her because she dodge to the left and somersaulted to the other side of the ring. She chuckled.

"Cute Parker." Mocking him only made him more annoyed.

Laura charged at him this time, choosing to watch his body language. Step forward with the right foot and he's going for a left hook. She bent backwards enough for her baby hairs to nearly touch the ground. On her way back up, she readied her arm for a right hook, which successfully collided with his jaw, sending him stumbling to the side of the ring. He shook it off. He wasn't going to let her win. He tried going after her but she backflipped away from him. When Peter was close enough, Laura did another flip used her leg and core strength to bring him to the ground. But Peter though it through just before they went down. He used his strength to flip them and pin Laura down.

"Cute Kinney." He gave her the cockiest smile ever. Laura groaned and flipped them over.

"Not so funny when someone else does it to you, huh?" Peter chuckled out of breath.

"If this practice and your weren't another Avenger in training, I'd have your neck snapped and multiple bones in your body broken by now." she pinned him down and looked him dead in the eyes with anger.

Peter stayed calm. He had a plan he knew would work. He gave her the softest of eyes and the most serious look. Laura looked at Peter confused. What the hell just happened? Why is he looking at her like that? He slowly leaned his head up. Her eyes widened. Is he about to do what she thinks he's about to do? He got close enough to her face despite her resisting. Peter fluttered his eyes closed and began to lean his head. Laura didn't trust getting off him. If she stood up, he could kick her to the ground and win.

"Peter, what the he- hey!" Peter pinned her to the ground and smiled.

"No hesitating Laura." He winked.

Laura gagged at him unsuccessfully flirting with her to get her to be distracted. He's not even that attractive... is he? She took this opportunity to lift her leg just enough to hit him in the balls, which sent him to the ground quickly.

"You know Peter, strong women don't enjoy a man trying to get into her pants in the middle of a fight. Very provocative of you." He just nodded his head and slowly got back up.

Tony clapped his hands and explained that sometimes during a fight, there bickering between each opponent. It wasn't clear who won. Maybe Laura since Peter was the last one down. But it was a fair fight. Laura got out of the ring knowing that she was able to put on an interesting show. Everyone just stared at her as she walked away. That felt way too damn good for her. Peter could help himself. That fight slightly turned him on. A strong and admittedly beautiful girl just kicked his ass. His ego should be bruised but the way her hips sway and emphasized her ass was kind of nice.

He usually doesn't think this way about anyone. He has too much respect for people, but it's the heat of the moment and his blood is still pumping. Peter got out of the ring and freshened up himself. To their luck, they ran into each other after they were done freshening up.

"Wasn't kicking your ass enough for the day? Now you're waiting for me outside the locker room?" She rolled her eyes.

"As I recall, it was an equal fight and I just so happened to freshen up myself. It was just ironic timing." He shot back.

"What is with you? Why are you trying to suddenly figure me out?" She faced him with all seriousness. Peter hesitated to answer.

"Right, you don't have an answer. Just leave it be Bug Boy. if I trusted you by now, I would've told you my middle name or some weird shit like that." Laura scoffed and walked away.

Peter stood there, cursing himself out. Why didn't he just say that he's interested in her? Not like she'd like him anyway. So no hard feelings. Right? Maybe his heart wanted more even after a week of knowing her. She wasn't like any other girl he's tried dating. Nerdy, observant and so scared of him dying. Laura was clearly not like that and he liked that... a lot. 

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