Chapter 5: City Bound

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Day two of being at the academy is an early one, well considering the 6 hour bus ride to the city. Of course since they're mostly irresponsible teens, some stayed up later than others making this morning even worse. There's also those who were too lazy to pack the night before so they had to get up even earlier. Either way they were all in a mood. The students stood out in the cool air of northern New York, waiting for their chariot to arrive so they don't turn into rags at midnight. When the bus arrives some let out tired groans and others a sigh of relief. Now, for this there is no assigned seats. So we all know who's going where by now. Laura choses a seat near the back, hoping to get away from everyone.

To her luck, this wasn't the case. Instead they herd towards the back. Since she wanted to go unnoticed she just decided to pop her ear buds in and stay quiet. Hopefully that would help right? Absolutely wrong. Who knew such a confined group of people could be so loud? For the first hour it consisted of eye rolling, swearing under her breath and trying her damndest to keep her blades in. The second hour she somehow managed to sleep through the bickering, gossip and headaches. Part of her wishes she didn't wake up when the time struck the third hour, but you can't control your body at times. The annoying talking was still going.

"How in the hell are they still going?" She thought.

Everyone heard them complaining about how tired they were when they left. Unfortunately for Laura, there were 3 more hours to go if they didn't hit traffic. All she can think about is how much she hated professor X for doing this to her. But then again she should probably stop thinking like that knowing that no matter how far she is from him, he can still hear her. Two and a half hours to go. Laura has never wanted to murder herself so much at this point. She's had enough with hearing what the girls would do to Peter in bed and what they want him to do to them along with the guys poking fun and making dick jokes left and right about him.

Laura doesn't care about the boy but knows how royally fucked up it is to make fun of someone. The bus ride couldn't get any worse. She thought too soon as the Parker boy came back and made himself comfortable next to her. This gained her dirty looks, which in return she mouthed 'fuck off'.

"Aye, uh hey." He said with his nervous act.

"Yes?" Laura raised a brow.

"So, I'm just gonna um, give a couple heads up. My aunt she's a bit..." he paused.

"Timid?" Laura butted in.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot so don't feel alarmed." He tried to sound like he was giving a warning but it came across as he was embarrassed.

"Didn't plan on it." She said straight forward.

Laura really didn't care about what his aunt was like and really just wanted her time at the academy to be over. She let the boy continue talking and she pretended to listen. She managed to zone out so much she didn't even realize he stopped talking when she turned her head to the window. Laura didn't even notice him staring at her. Peter, done talking couldn't help but stare. There was something about her that intrigued him. He took in her features carefully. Her dark hair in the sun had a slight brownish gold gleam. Her eyes, though looked blank, had gold specs and multiple shades of brown that surprisingly made blue eyes look basic.

Her facial features, nicely sculpted and tinted with a slight rosiness that if you looked quickly you wouldn't notice. Her lips were almost those of a model, perfectly shaped without surgery or makeup. Another thing he noticed, she's not wearing any makeup. He made it down to her chin when he noticed the yellow and navy blue stripes in her hair that framed her face. Naturally a bold move. He was so captivated by taking in what she looked like that he didn't realize she was staring at him now, but in a questionable way.

"Oh um, uh sorry." Peter faced away embarrassed.

Both of them decided silence was best for the rest of the ride and decided to sleep the rest of the way. Due to sleeping, Laura hadn't realized that Peter was now sleeping on her shoulder. The girls glared and took pictures, sending it to each other and mocking them for being so close already. Even though that was furthest from the truth. When they arrived, Laura nudged Peter off her. This caused Peter to wake up and blush. In return, she had this weird, unreadable look on her face. They grabbed their things and headed off the bus. All the students came off the bus groggy. Some too tired to introduce themselves properly. Laura was one of those people.

"Sorry May, she's just tired and not in the mood." Peter covered her tracks.

"No worries. I understand. I would be too if I were all of you. I just hope that over time, she gets comfortable with us." She patted her nephew on the back.

"I hope so too. There's something about her, May. Something I can't figure out. She's intriguing to say the least." Peter has high hopes for Laura.

"For now, lets head home. Thai food or pizza? I tried making a nice steak dinner, but you and I both know how that ended." May chuckled.

"By the body language Laura is exuding, I think just pizza tonight." Peter pointed out Laura leaning her head on the car with her back towards them.

"Good point. You call?" Peter whipped out his phone and ordered the pizza.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Laura just went in and hid in any private room she could. She didn't even care if it was a closet. May and Peter just shrugged their shoulders and settled in, munching on their dinner and discussing anything and everything. Laura ended up falling asleep on the couch after they went to be, not knowing that Peter was still awake. When he knew that she would be asleep, he placed a blanket on her. There was something special about Laura and he was going to figure it out.

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