Chapter 9: Don't Do It

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Same time and place as last weekend with getting on a bus and heading back to the city. But this time, for some reason Peter decided to go over to Laura. He doesn't realize it's like talking to a brick wall. Laura still won't budge and she is most certainly not in the mood to talk. You'd think he'd get the hint but he isn't. There has to be something else that is keeping her so closed off. He's met many closed off people who were able to bring the guard down. It didn't make any sense to even a genius kid like him. What he doesn't know is there's a reason behind why she won't even look at him right now. She's not actually looking at anyone. Eyes are glossed over and she hasn't blinked for quite a while. But if he was actually looking at her face he'd know that.

She has nightmares that are often due to trauma of the past. Last night was one of those nights. It was actually one of the nightmares she absolutely hates. One where it reminds her of the pain that would become a living hell. It was one that even though she doesn't like Peter, she feels bad for not saying anything as he's talking. Laura knows he's talking but she doesn't know what. The dream just keep playing over and over again. Detail by detail. Frame by frame. It makes her... empathetic. These dreams are a damn curse. After a while Peter stopped trying, he wasn't annoyed with her for not listening. What he doesn't know is that when she has these dreams, it's hard for her to hide her emotions.

At the moment she looked as if she saw a ghost and is about to cry. Peter wants to ask, but he thinks he knows that she will put a little bit of fear into him so he doesn't question. This doesn't stop him from feeling concerned. It also opened a door for him to maybe ask later if she's willing to get it off her chest. The bus arrives and they all head to it except Laura who is still dazed.

"Laura?" Peter did a risky move and put his hand on her shoulder.

She looked up trying to hide her tearing eyes. She was trying not to cry and just looking at her broke his heart. Laura realized that she was just standing there while the others were headed to the bus and decided to shake it off. She completely ignored the fact that Peter had his hand on her shoulder. Today she didn't care where she sat as long as she was alone. All Laura wants to do is cry. Crying never helps her but it's something to let it out versus holding it in. Laura heads to the back again, an area that will become a permanent spot for her. It's away and quiet... ish. Peter watched her as she practically runs to her seat. He contemplates going back there but decides against it, not knowing how she will react.

There was only about an hour left and Peter was itching to go back there all he wants to do his help her, comfort her. He knows what loneliness while in pain feels like. Peter is sure she does too. It definitely does not look like her first rodeo with emotional coping. He hates the idea of using her vulnerable state to open up but he's extremely worried about her. She was still in the same starting position as before when he looked back ten times.

"Parker" Miles whisper yells. Peter twists back around.

"Dude just go back there. She'll never admit it but outside of the academy we're friends. Just go back there trust me." Miles states, assuring Peter that everything will be fine.

He slowly made his way back and sat down slowly. She noticed his presence. Laura looked at him with a blank expression then looked at the window again. He couldn't help but study her body language. Uncomfortable, somber expression and heavy breathing. Just as he expected.

"L-Laura?" She looked at him again.

"I know I have the obvious questions so it's up to you if you want to answer them. I'll stay here if it's ok with you?" He said. She just nodded. Laura is too distraught to argue or be nasty.

"I just... had a dream last night. Nothing to worry about Peter." Trying to play it off.

Peter just sat there knowing that it may have been a dream but it obviously meant more to her than some would think. Majority of the time when someone says that it was just a dream, others brush it off and let the person work it out for themselves. But Peter knows better. A tear rolled down her right cheek and out of habit Peter put his hand to her cheek and brushed the tear away with his thumb. He paused and realized what he did. Laura just looked at him confused and slightly shocked.

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