Chapter 50

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Scarlet's POV

My heart stopped and my mind went completely blank. I could hear the almost silent breathing of the Cullen's behind me and feel their stares into my back. Only one word was rolling over in my head... 'Vampire' but that's not possible; they don't exist... they can't. I stare blankly ahead of me trying to figure out how to even react. On the one hand, I don't even know the Cullen's that well, what if this is what they did, bring people to there home, build up there trust only to hunt. I shook my head a feeling of guilt starting to pool in the pit of my stomach at even just the thought. The Cullen's wouldn't hurt anyone, I knew that in my heart and soul. Glimpsing at the four Cullen's in the room, I could see their emotions as clearly as I can feel my own. They were worried, frightened even. Looking at them now, I felt a tug at my heartstrings; they all trusted me enough to tell me their secret, no matter the consequences they at least deserve for me to not freak out and to really think. Taking a deep breath I try and get my thoughts under control, the most present being why "Why tell me though," I whispered to myself. I was not being able to connect the dots on why they would trust someone like me with their secret. "I mean you barely even know me, why would you tell me something this big, how can you put so much faith in me?" I say a bit more louder than before but no less confused. "How can vampires even exist, how can YOU exist?" I questioned almost desperately just needing to know why. I look round the room once I see a sudden movement from the corner of my eye-only to see that Alice, Jasper and Carlisle have also joined the rest of the family and myself in the kitchen. I couldn't stop the flinch even if I wanted to and for a fleeting thought I wondered whether I was safe,only for the thought to leave as soon as it formed at the gentle almost scared look in each of the Cullen's eyes, as if they are expecting rejection... rejection from me. This confused me even more on why they thought so highly of me that my thoughts about what they were mattered deeply to them. One by one I looked at every single Cullen, all seemingly waiting for a moving reaction from me, almost expecting me to run but the thought never even crossed my mind. How could I run from them, it didn't matter if they were vampires, they are still the kind hearted family that welcomed me into there family with open arms without even knowing anything about me when I needed someone to escape. My emerald eyes reached Edward's golden ones and I felt my heart freeze, the emotions I could see swirling in his eyes brought tears to my own, the desperation, fear and loneliness all projecting as if I could feel them myself and I couldn't stop my feet moving... moving toward him. No one should feel so alone... ever. One slow step after the other never once speeding up or slowing down the closer I got until I reached him. Looking deeply into his eyes I could see a new emotion swimming in his golden eyes... acceptance. Acceptance that he will never see me again. I don't know how I know this but I couldn't allow him to feel like that anymore, he doesn't deserve it more than anyone. I bring my hand up slowly to his face, not wanting to make any sudden movements unless I freaked him out. I couldn't help but laugh to myself with how fragile I was treating him when he could break me in a flick of his wrist, but I could tell that no one outside his family treated him like he would break before, that no one could see that he was reaching his breaking point. I placed my hand carefully on his cold, hard cheek 'I guess this explains the coldness,' I think to myself and gently rubbed my thumb across his cheek only for Edward to reach up impossibly slow, afraid I would flinched away but seeing no negative reaction from me he covers my hand with his own and leans into my touch with relief shining in his eyes. I smile lovingly at him and pull myself to him to wrap my free arm around his neck to bury myself into his chest. Letting him as well as his family know that I'm not afraid, that I won't run away like they thought I would. That I see how difficult it was for even one of them to tell me what they are and that no matter what happens they will always be accepted by me no matter what. "Your so brave." I whisper to Edward, but knowing he could hear me. 'I wonder what else a vampire could do' however my thoughts turned towards Edward when I felt Edward wrapped his arms delicately around my waist, almost like he couldn't believe that I was there in his arms and not running out the door. I guess I'm not normal in that sense, but that's what makes me, me.

Edward's POV

I never thought I would get the chance to have Scarlet wrapped safely in my arms once I told her what I was. I hold her as close as I can without hurting her just needing the reassurance that my mate is here with me, in my arms, where she belongs. I bury my face into her neck and felt relief when she didn't flinch away, almost sensing what I was thinking. I heard Scarlet whisper "I know you won't hurt me." Just from that simple sentence I felt all the stress, fear, desperation leave my shoulders and the pure love and adoration I felt for this girl skyrocketed, I could feel venom pool into my eyes ,and knew that if they could fall I'd be a mess.

Finally knowing that Scarlet won't run away screaming, the nagging doubt instead my head that Bella always left finally disappeared, only to be flooded with a voice I more than welcomed coming from Scarlet telling me "How proud she was" and "How she loves the chance to get to know the real him." But, I realised with a jolt that Scarlet was indeed asking those questions out loud and it warmed my heart to know that she wasn't scared of me, better yet she was proud of me. "What have I done to deserve you?" I muffled into Scarlet's neck, never wanting to leave the calming presents of my beautiful girl. I felt Scarlet pull herself impossibly closer into my chest, where I could feel every curve and breath from my mate... my mate. I don't think I'll ever get use to knowing that I have finally found her. "You were just you, that's all you ever needed to be was yourself" she exclaimed passionately, so much so that I couldn't stop the dry sob escaping my mouth. "Thank you, thank you, thank you,"I say weakly. Who knew that this angelic girl could produce such loving emotions that she reduced an indestructible and centuries old vampire to an emotionally mess. That's one thing about my Scarlet though; I would never change her for the world.

 I whined when I felt Scarlet slowing realising her tight grip on me not wanting her out of my arms but I didn't try and stop her. She faced me with a beaming smile, then turned around to face my family with a shy almost embarrassed look flickered across her face, her cheeks turning a rosey pink colour but stayed with her back against my chest with my arm wrapped around her front to which I pulled her closer to me. She coughed to clear her throat "So" she says awkwardly. "Your all vampires" she says dumbly, and we all couldn't help but laugh at her awkwardness, I kissed Scarlet on the back of her head and started to lead her towards the living room just knowing that Scarlet was full of questions and that myself and the family will try as hard as we can to answer each and everyone of them truthfully.

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