Chapter 45

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Jasper POV

Thinking back on all the memories I've had with Scarlet when she was only little always brought a bitter sweet smile to my face. On the one hand, here's this angel of a girl who would try and do anything to help if she could see you struggling... when she saw me struggling. But on the other hand, as far as I'm aware, she doesn't remember me which shouldn't be a surprise seeing as Scarlet was round about 2 or 2 1/2-as Scarlet use to always say to me, I think with a small laugh. I look up at Edward when I heard his sharp inhale of unnecessary breath, I didn't have to read Edward's emotions to tell me how he was feeling since every single one of his emotions seemed to cross his face whilst we both were flicking through certain memories of Scarlet as a toddler, from surprised, jealousy, a hit of possessiveness but the one that stayed, the one that stood out the most, I couldn't help but laugh at the smitten look spreading across his face. 'I'm happy for you brother' I think to Edward with a smile and a nod once Edward's turned back in my direction to look at me with a smile of his own.

Edward's POV

"Show me more" I say in all but a whisper forgetting about the rest of the family as my soul focus was on Jasper and his memories of my mate when she was little. The family look from me to Jasper, from their thoughts seemingly trying to figure out what Jasper was showing me or what I may of been able to catch about Scarlet before we all started speaking at once. "What was she like" I say confused that I've never picked up on any thoughts from Jasper about Scarlet before we met but also incredibly excited; I couldn't wait to find out more about Scarlet's past, along with being able to create a future of my own with her. 'I wonder if her mind has always been blocked, I wonder if she's always been this much of a puzzle...' I think to myself, looking forward in finding out. "How did you meet her" Carlisle asked also confused, wondering how he never knew that Jasper had met Scarlet before seeing as he was the head of the Cullen family

"When did you meet her" Esme asked quietly but with a beaming grin just knowing from the moment she met Scarlet that she belonged to the Cullen family, this only proved it more. 'I knew Scarlet was special... they really are meant to be' I heard Esme think emotionally and I couldn't help but pull my adopted mother into a tight hug "I finally found her mum" I whisper so quietly only Esme could hear me over the rest of the questions being asked in Jasper direction.

"What did she look like" Alice squealed but with confusion of her own. I knew she was thinking how come she didn't get any visions of Jaspers time with mini Scarlet but then again it shouldn't of been so surprising seeing as Alice struggles to get any visions to do with Scarlet now. "I bet she was gorgeous" Rosalie answers Alice with a smile of her own.

"Tell us how you met her Jas" Emmet boomed, forgetting that the girl in question was asleep only a floor above them. I quickly make my way to Rosalie's room where Scarlet was sleeping with Rosalie only a second behind me, slapping her husband round the head before making it to her room. I look over to see Rosalie's worried face, one that matched my own once we heard a rustle, as clear as day inside the room, praying that we didn't wake Scarlet up with how loud we all became with our excitement and confusion. I carefully opened the door a crack and peep in, only to see Scarlet settling down again into a deep sleep hearing her breathing even out and her heart beat slow.

I couldn't help moving closer to Scarlet's sleeping form feeling drawn to her, until I reached the bed -like my feet had a mind of their own-just wanting to get closer to our mate... wanting to touch, to protect. As delicately as I could, I tuck a strand of hair away from Scarlet's face and stroke my cold finger against her flushed cheek. I was shocked that the temperature of my finger didn't cause Scarlet to flinch or move away but then again she's never reacted whenever Rosalie or I would hold her hand or when Esme and Emmet pulled her into a hug, 'Emmet a bit too roughly if you ask me' I think possessively, feeling a deep growl rumble in my chest but stopped as soon as Scarlet twitched at the noise "Shh... Goodnight Scarlet" I whisper into her ear before vampire speeding to the door 'Sweet dreams beautiful.' I think before making my way down stair, Rosalie following behind 'Possessive are we' I hear Rosalie think to me with a smirk but I ignored her which only caused her to laugh. "Spill now" I say to Jasper quietly but sternly just wanting to know the full memories rather than getting to see little clips, feeling my curiosity getting the better of me. "Where would you all like me to start" Jasper says smugly feeling all our emotions bubbling over with impatience and interest. "I first met Scarlet in 1991..." Jasper began with a smirk.

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