Chapter 18

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Jasper's POV

Focusing back on Scarlet I see her looking around to see everyone staring at me "I guess it's unlike you to laugh round here, would you mind letting me know why I got the honour of hearing you laugh?" She smiled gently at me waiting for an answer. Thinking about what Scarlet said I could help but think 'God I wish I could tell you the truth' from the corner of my eye I saw Edwards turn towards me where it was previously facing Scarlet. I couldn't help but smile inwardly when Edwards emotions hit me, just knowing that he would be better with Scarlet than with Bella. "I guess you remind me of someone I once knew" I replied back just as gently. "Well I'm honoured that I can remind you of someone from your past" Scarlet replied with a full blown smile. That was so her, others would feel insulted or insecure but not my Scarlet no she has the purest heart I know, which is saying something with how old I am. So lost in thought I almost jumped when the bell rang 'what's wrong with me today?' I couldn't help but think, realising just how human I've acted throughout lunch, like a switch had been turned from my usual pained look to an almost relieved looked all because of Scarlet.

Scarlet's POV

Once the bell rang, I started to collect my things, looking back at Jasper and Rosalie I give them each a soft smile before saying "It was lovely to meet you both, it really does show that you shouldn't listen to gossip round here" I couldn't help but giggle "I might see you during class if not I'd like to wish you both a good rest of the day" I say happily, sending one last smile towards the siblings I start to make my way for my next class, looking down at my schedule I find that I have gym next and couldn't help the little skip in my step excited on what we will be doing. Starting to head to gym I didn't notice Rosalie following until she caught up with me "may I ask what class you have next" she asked me, smiling "I have gym" I say cheerfully.

Rosalie's POV

I looked over at Scarlet for a moment before a grin started to spread across my face "Excuse my enthusiasm but finally another girl who actually likes sports and not worried about chipping a nail or falling over" I say and couldn't help but think 'cough Bella cough' remembering all the time she had to watch Bella make a fool of herself, 'Although watching her fall over was always amusing' I think an evil glint coming to my eyes.

The girl who brought peaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن