Chapter 40

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Scarlet's POV

On the road again, I couldn't help but feel the weight lifted off my shoulders and finally feel like I can relax and think about where I'm heading rather than why dad might of been ignoring me, or in this case, Bella trying to get her way with me out of the picture. Shaking my head to rid of all the negative thoughts towards what's happened in the last few hours, I focus on the road and the beautiful green scenery passing by until I see Edward signalling to turn right down an almost deserted narrow road that I've never seen before. Following his directions, I turn right to see a long straight path that connects to a wide driveway and see Edward already parked and out of his car waiting for me. Once I stopped I took a deep breath and looked up to see the most beautifully detailed house I've ever seen and could feel my mouth gape a little before I hear a chuckle to the left of me and see Edward coming to stand by me with a massive grin on his face. "Do I amuse you?" I couldn't help but ask with a giggle of my own. "Most definitely" was all Edward said before he offered his hand. Without second thought I grasped hold of his cold as ice hand and was led by Edward to the front glass front door. Looking round at the home I could feel the nerves kicking in and unconsciously squeeze Edward's hand to try and calm myself and felt a gently squeeze back in reassurance. I don't understand why I'm nervous all of a sudden... but for some reason, right here, right now, feels important.. special even. I just knew I was meant to be here right in this moment. For what though, I wasn't sure.

Edward's POV

I couldn't keep the grin off my face even if I tried just knowing that Scarlet was willing to trust me and my family enough to stay round my house, then again that describes Scarlets personality perfectly 'Always trusting and having a good word for anyone and everyone she meets until they prove otherwise' I think my eyes softening when they meet Scarlet's "You ready?" I ask trying to hide how nervous I was from Scarlet 'She has no idea how much this means to me' I think knowing after tonight everything will change, whether for the better or not I can only hope. Looking at Scarlet, I could see nerves but a flicker of something I couldn't quite make out spread across her face 'What I would do just to be able to read her mind' I think, but couldn't help but feel comforted knowing I'm not the only one feeling nervous before I start to make my way to the front door of my family home, gently pulling Scarlet behind me. 'No matter what happens tonight, I hope Scarlet will always be in my life.. Forever' with that thought I open the door and walk Scarlet across the threshold... This is the start, I could feel it the beginning of my long existence finally starting with Scarlet in my arms.

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