Chapter 37

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Edward's POV

Once I got into my Volvo, I look behind me to make sure Scarlet's all buckled up and ready before I restart the engine and start the much longer drive home. I couldn't even find myself getting agitated-with going slower than me and my family normally go, just knowing Scarlet's in the car behind me 'I could drive all day' I think with a loving smile. Looking into the review mirror, I see Scarlet only half paying attention to where she's going, the other half she seems to be lost in thought. I slow down a little and couldn't help but wish I knew what she was thinking. 'It's funny how with Bella, I was with her for her once silent mind but now...I'd do anything to hear Scarlet's mind, how she might think things she doesn't say out loud or about who she might be thinking about. Just the thought of what Scarlet may be thinking about or maybe, I might be who she thinks about, made me feel all giddy inside- like Jasper's power but twice as powerful. Who knew, that a human-even one as amazing as Scarlet could make me feel like this again, like I'm finally...alive.

Scarlet's POV

The longer I drove the longer I thought about my dad, the more more I thought about it, I realised how his behaviour doesn't add up to the person I grew up with. Me and dad have always been close; even when we were countries apart we've always stayed in contact with each other. So, the thought of dad willing to not even try and contact me seems non existent. Thinking back to what our argument was about I came to the realisation that there's only one person in that house that could be so spiteful to unplug the landline and I couldn't believe how stupid I was to not realise who... Bella. Even when I'm not in the house she can still somehow get her way. With that thought in mind I quickly signal to Edward to pull over. I reach into my pocket to grab my phone, only to realise it's dead. Frustrated, I get out of the car and hurry to Edward's car window which was already open "What's wrong, have you changed your mind" Edward asked worried, just praying that with how close he was to his house, Scarlet wouldn't back out at the last minute. "What.. no sorry I've just realised something important and my battery died on my phone, and I know I'm not making any sense and I'm rambling but do you mind if I borrow your phone quickly" I say in a rush just praying my dad put his phone on charge after I left.

Edward POV

I hand over my phone to Scarlet and see her type in a number as fast as she could 'God, I wish I could hear what was going through her mind right now' I think staring at Scarlet's facial features to see how tense she looked but before I could ask her what was wrong she pressed my phone to her ear and started moving from foot to foot seemingly impatient until I hear a voice over the phone, who I recognised immediately as . . .

The girl who brought peaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang