Chapter 3

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The first thing I did once I unpacked and messaged mum saying I got to forks safely, was call my best friend Embry-(fingers crossed he has the same number).
"Hello?" Came embrys uncertain voice "Oh my god Embry it's been so long! Wehave to meet up" I practically squeal down the phone my emerald eyes shining with happiness "Sky is that really you" embry asks in a shy voice although you could hear the excitement coming through. "Der of course it's me Bree I just moved back to forks! We have to meet up soon. "
Embry could imagine Sky jumping in her seat, trying to contain how happy she was. Then he realised what she said "wait... Your here. Like right here in forks. Now?" I couldn't help but giggle, I just love leaving him speechless.

After a couple of days my brand new Orange Lamborghini Huracan arrived and I couldn't wait to take my baby out for a spin, and who better to show her too than my best friend. One of the good things about forks is there's so much nature that it feels like home all in its own. After speeding down to la push, (maybe a bit faster than usual), I turned into what I hope is still Embry's house and climbed out the car. I must of been in my own little world because I didn't notice that I seemed to of collected a small crowd until I stepped out of the car. I payed no minds to them and walked the couple of steps to the front door and knocked. Vaguely I could hear whispers coming from behind me but tried to ignore them as the door finally opened and there I saw him looking so different I almost didn't recognise him with the short spiky hair to the huge muscles that doesn't even look real and, whilst I normally have to look up a little at people but now like come on- it seems that I would need a step ladder.

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