Chapter 36

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Bella's POV

I stood frozen until the click of the door sounded across the room and I couldn't contain the screech that was building up within me. I rush to the door to make sure my Edward hadn't left yet 'Because there's no way he would of left, this was just some silly joke he's trying to playing on me' I think determined to get to him before he leaves. Once I made it to the door,I quickly grab the handle and rip it open to see my Edward driving off with a huge grin on his face 'See' I think to myself 'All just a twisted joke, he'll be back by my window tomorrow' I think delighted before half skipping, half stumbling into the house to see Charlie so lost in his own distraught that he didn't even notice my actions 'Must be thinking the same as me, my Edward was playing a stupid prank and he's going to come back later.. maybe I just make him grovel a little as pay back' I contemplate with a small smirk of my own... Everything's STILL Perfect!

Scarlet's POV

Whilst listening to music in my baby, waiting for Edward. I start to get worried about my dad 'Maybe I shouldn't of left like that, I could of told him where I was going' I think to myself before realising that I didn't know where I was going at the time. To be honest I still don't, I have no clue where the Cullen's live but for some reason I feel safe knowing I'm going there. There's just something about the Cullen's that just scream unnatural, their beautiful, pale white marble skin that's cold at the touch, their molten gold eyes that seems to change to an almost pitch black with their mood or when they are hungry it seems. Even their scent seems to draw people in, remembering that all the gossipers where drawn to them without even having a single conversation with them.. like it was forbidden to do so. It seems the only person who seemed to of gotten close to the Cullen's was her half sister Bella, but then again she does get extremely nosy, thinking she deserves to know everyone's secrets even when it's none of her business. Admittedly, I've always hated Bella for that. Personally though, I couldn't see it about the Cullen's that made everyone worship them.. almost like gods. Yes I'll agree that their all stunning in their own way but I think you have to get to know people before you make a judgement, good or bad. Just because your beautiful on the outside doesn't mean your soul is the same on the inside. However, I would love the chance to get to know each and every Cullen, even just to prove to everyone that they are all breathtaking on both the inside and the outside. So lost in my thought, I jumped when my phone vibrated letting me know I have received a new text message. Looking down at my phone I see Edward's name and unknowing to myself an angelic smile spread across my face just from his name alone. Unlocking my phone I read that he's almost here and couldn't stop the little giggle from bursting out 'Since when am I so smitten with someone I barely know' I think knowing I should be worried with the way I'm reacting but being unable to care because of the way he makes me feel inside, little tiny butterflies had started to flutter whenever his name is even measured but then I remembered... He's with Bella and the smile instantly dropped from my face and for unknown reason my eyes began to fill with tears 'I guess he was starting to mean more to me than I thought' I sniffle and couldn't find the will to even reply back and instead I scrolled down my contacts to daddy and pressed call. Holding the phone up to my ear just wishing to let my dad know that I'm okay and that I'm safe but the phone goes straight to voicemail, confused I try again but the same thing happened 'His phone must have died' I think and scrolled down my contacts to find Home, I quickly call only to hear a beep  'The landline couldn't be off...Unless he turned it off' I think my heart breaking even more 'Does he really care that little' renewed tears started to fill and fall down my cheeks and I couldn't bring myself to wipe them away. Trying one last time, I click daddy's contact and wait only to come back to voicemail, I could feel my heart drop. Looking down at my phone, I turn the music off in my car and just wait in silence with a heavy heart, not knowing what to think. I decide even if my dad doesn't want to talk to me and he's turned off the landline, I still want him to know I'm safe and waited for the voicemail so I could leave a message.
//"This is the Swan Residence, I'm sorry I'm not home right now, but leave a message I'll get back to you"// hearing my dad's voice I couldn't help but tear up.
//"Hi daddy, I don't know if you'll receive this or even want to listen but for my own piece of mind I just want to let you know that I'm safe and that I'll be staying over at a friends house... I don't know when I'll be back home.. or if you even want me back home.
I love you daddy, I always will.. but I just guess sometimes that's not enough for some people.
Love your daughter, Scarlet"//

Wiping away a tear once I end the call, a pair of flashlights from a car flicker from the corner of my eye and I see Edward step out of the car and started to make his way toward me with a huge smile on his face. I quickly wipe my face of all the tear tracks and I wind down the window once Edward reached my car "That was quick, you only texted me a few minutes ago" I couldn't help but say with a small smile. "I guess I just wanted to get here as soon as possible" Edward says, his smile never wavering on his face "Where exactly is your house" I ask, wanting to make sure I won't get lost. "You'll see, just follow behind me and don't worry, I promise I'll go slow" Edward winks before making his way towards his car, therefore missing my shocked face and the pink blush that started to spread across my cheeks. Shaking my head, willing for my blush to go down, I started up the engine once Edward was inside his car and started to follow him to his house... Wherever that is.

The girl who brought peaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang