Chapter 38

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Bella's POV

I hear a phone ring in the kitchen, and look over at Charlie- to see him sulking in his chair not paying attention to his surroundings. I start to make my way towards the kitchen thinking it might be my phone, only to see Charlie's. Looking behind me; back at Charlie I see he hasn't even realised I've left and reach out towards his phone to see Scarlet's name and face pop up. Walking further away from the living room, I click answer call and press the phone against my ear. "Hello Daddy " I hear Scarlet say from the other end of the phone
"Hello Scarlet" I say gleefully with a smirk, seeing Charlie hasn't noticed my absence still. "Bella? Why have you answered dad's phone?" Scarlet asked confused "I'm terribly sorry but Charlie can't make it to the phone right now, he's busy watching baseball. How about you call him later on hmm?" I ask smugly, not at all sorry or intending for Charlie to answer whenever Scarlet will call again 'It'll be easy to distract him with father/daughter time' I think knowingly "No! Bella I know what you've been doing and for the first time, I'm not going to just fall back into the shadow and give into you anymore. I'm done with you treating me like trash. I belong to this family whether you like it or not" Scarlet says, determined to not allow Bella to walk all over her anymore. "Now, give Charlie the phone" Scarlet says a bit more forceful. I was a little shocked that Scarlet finally stood up to me, but I wouldn't let her change all MY plans. Which NONE include HER. 'There's always different ways of getting rid of people' I think with a grin, not noticing Charlie coming into the kitchen to grab a drink "Scarlet, Scarlet, Scarlet. How about no. I've done it before and I'll do it again. I'll make sure Charlie doesn't find out you've called. Charlie doesn't want to speak to someone as ungrateful as you" I say snidely.

Charles's POV

Lost in thought, I can't decide what's worse, not knowing whether my youngest daughter is safe or knowing that my baby girl thinks that I hate her. 'Maybe I should go out and look for her. . .Or would that make things even worse?' I think, undecided and walk into the kitchen but stop when I see Bella on the phone.. or more specific my phone. A little confused but not thinking much about it, I head towards the fridge until I hear Scarlet's name and snap back round to face Bella in shock at the cruel words she's saying down the phone; that are anything but the truth. Without thinking I stride over and grab the phone out of her hand and place it against my ear and move away from Bella's reach so she couldn't take the phone back "Scarlet, are you there. Are you safe. Whatever Bella said it's not true I swear, I love you with all my heart baby girl and I've been trying to get in contact with you ever since you left. Please tell me you are safe and that you are at least with someone who will protect you" I say frantically ignoring Bella trying to take the phone out of my hand. Not liking the person I'm seeing in front of me, who would lie to get anything she wants. 'What else has she lied about' I think doubting everything she has ever said to me.

The girl who brought peaceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें