Chapter 25

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Edward's POV

Sitting at my piano, for some reason I can't find it in myself to play. It's like something... or in truth, someone is plaguing my thoughts day in and day out, that I just want to get to know her before I even start to write a song about her so the melody would be as perfect as the women in question. Just thinking about Scarlet brings a little tingle and a smile to myself no matter how hard I tried to keep my happiness from showing, knowing that I should feel guilty especially with me being with Bella but something draws me to Scarlet without herself or me knowing it, like she has this type of hold on me and I never want to let her go and the more I think of and be with Scarlet my feelings towards Bella slowly start to slip away, like an unwanted memory and as bad as it is, I can't find myself to try and hold on to Bella to fight for her. Not seeing Scarlet at the moment was starting to really effect me especially hearing both Rosalie and Jasper's thoughts. However, just knowing that Rosalie approves of Scarlet warms my dead heart and to know that Jasper met her when she was younger, shows how special Scarlet was and not just to me. I couldn't wait for Jasper to tell me what she was like, how he met her and ask Jasper on his feelings towards her 'Why he got so emotional when seeing her' I think to myself, wishing that Jasper wouldn't hide those memories from me.

Looking at my phone on top of the piano, I debate whether I should send Scarlet a text message or if I should wait and see if Rosalie would message her instead, just knowing that Scarlet would be more likely to reply to Rose seeing as Rosalie got much more of a chance to talk to Scarlet, heck even Jasper got more of a chance than I did during school "I just ended up upsetting her" I whisper sadly however I couldn't help thinking 'No matter who messages Scarlet at least we would all know if she is safe'

Taking a chance I unlocked my phone and clicked on Scarlets contact which I took from Rosalie's phone and clicked on a new text message

/To: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
From: Edward Cullen
Sent at: 18:15 pm

Hi Scarlet, I am messaging you because I would like to sincerely apologise for my upsetting you, it honestly wasn't my intention, I just wanted the chance to get to know you and I hope I haven't ruined that opportunity. I'll understand if you don't reply back to my text message but I would like you to understand that it was never my intention to upset you and that I hope your alright. It was lovely to meet you and I hope we get a chance to speak again soon.

Kind Regards,

Edward Cullen

P.S. I hope you don't mind that I got your number from my sister Rosalie./

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