Chapter 47

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Edward's POV

Hearing everything Jasper got to experience with Scarlet because of how down he was brought a whole new wave of love for Scarlet and pride for Jasper. Even with how young Scarlet was, she tried her hardest to make one of my brothers feel loved in her own little way and I was proud of Jasper for being able to pick himself back up from how low he was, and to not even help himself- and bring himself back from not only his dark thoughts, but to volunteer and help others especially children- really brought a new sense of admiration to my brother. Just knowing how much he suffers on a day to day basis even now how he could find an outlet where he not only helped himself get better but also helped look after children, even with him being who we are and myself only recently thinking ourselves soulless beings-even monsters. Jasper made me see that even when situations get difficult and there are times where you may want to give up or give in theirs always something or someone in my case who will always bring you back.

Being able to watch Jasper's thoughts flicker with each memory that was being told, I couldn't stop the loving smile spreading across my face with how adorable Scarlet was and with how excited I was that I got to know and see Scarlet's past as well, and I hoped that I got to experience Scarlet's future... with me. Just watching my brother, I knew he was ecstatic that finally he gets the chance to know Scarlet again even if she doesn't remember. Gets to see and even find out her childhood ever since he left and maybe, just maybe spark a memory or two where Scarlet was a major part in Jasper's life without even knowing.

"How come you never told us before, how come you could hide all your thoughts about her from me all this time" I asked Jasper softly, wondering how he didn't slip even once about Scarlet and about how depressed he felt day in and day out without anyone being able to help him. "I guess she was just my little secret at the time- my little ray of sunshine who could make all the bad emotions disappear and I just wanted somewhere to go, somewhere to be where no one treated me differently and just have a feeling of peace where I couldn't get back then...even with Alice. Alice is my everything, you'll understand soon... I know your starting too. But at the time even she couldn't stop the emotions, stop the constant hunger, no matter how hard she tried. But she certainly noticed when after I came home the first day after meeting Scarlet with a genuine smile on my face rather than the forced one you all were so use to seeing and that even with her visions not showing her exactly what I was doing during the day she trusted me and saw the strain and stress lift from my shoulders the longer I visited" Jasper said quietly, remembering the guilt he felt when not even his mate could stop the constant crushing of emotions pulling me down but forever grateful of having Alice by his side. 'Your feeling it now... I can feel it. Just the thought of Scarlet brings a smile to your face and warmth in your heart and you know you would do anything you could to make her happy and to be there for her whenever life gets too tough and to share any burdens she may have' Jasper thinks and I couldn't help but agree. Anything I could do to make Scarlet even smile, I would because I knew there has never been a moment in my existence where I've felt this way about another being and if I could I would love the chance to experience theses emotions with the one and only girl I'd be willing to share them with... be willing to mate with.

And to start all that, I need to tell Scarlet everything about who I am or to be more specific, what I am, only then could the beginning start; the beginning of the unknown.

The girl who brought peaceUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum