The final sale on my apartment came in and since Blair was practically moved back into her mother's place and Serena was gone to watch over Bart and Lily's home it was no issue moving everything out to my new place and leasing it to a new buyer. My new place signifies the new me and a new beginning. No roommates, no drama and above all no heartache. I have a lot to get done before I leave for Europe tomorrow night. Bart wants to drop most of Lily and his things off at the Hamptons before they come back and pick me up for Europe. I have to move and set up most of my furniture and make sure most of my things are in place before I leave. Why did I say yes to leaving a day after moving?

"Ms. Bass where do you want these books?"

"On the second shelf in the library. Thank you." I look at my checklist to make sure everything was going to their designated places. I was donating some things to auctions to raise money for charity and others I was giving to friends. I wanted mostly new pieces in my new place but I needed to assign a place for the things I am keeping which means a lot of managing movers and my assistant managing the movers I haven't talked to yet.

"Are you leaving the city?" I practically dropped my folder from being startled.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?"

"I was walking through the neighborhood and I wanted to check in and see how you were doing."

"You were just walking through? I find that hard to believe."

"I may have been a lying bastard to you in the past and I'm not going to lie and say I'm not still a bastard. But now I'm a bastard that cares for you."

"How do you seem to always come back in my life?"

"Fate or I'm just one lucky bastard." I couldn't help but laugh. I needed to laugh. "I've missed that laugh."

"Carter, what are you really doing here?"

"I heard about Bart and it kills me that I wasn't there for you when he died or when we thought he died. I want to be there for you know that is if you let me."

"If you're here to annoy me the least you can do is help me pack."

"Isn't that what movers are for?"

"Yes, but I'm giving away a majority of my things and I have specific charities and auctions they need to go to."

"Lead the way Bass." Carter and I headed inside to the mess of my old apartment. "I've never seen your place quite so messy."

"I know it's driving me nuts seeing it like this. Now enough talking I need to get things done."

"What do you want me to do boss?" Carter flashes me that million dollar smile that has always melted my heart.

"You can start by writing down what I tell you to write."

"Isn't your assistant supposed to do this?"

"Yes, but she's currently doing this with my things in my new apartment. I still have things I need to sort out here so enough talking just listen." I thrust my clipboard into his hands.

"All dresses I've worn for events and appearances will be divided into the donation pile for New York Big Sister program for their proms or any occasion they would need a dress. The others will be sold at an auction to benefit after-school programs."

"You're selling your clothes?"

"Not all of them just the ones I know will make someone happy to wear or will sell for enough money to make a difference. I'm hoping with any money raised that I can double its value."

"You never cease to amaze me.." We move on to shoes and some of my art collection and lastly my book collection. "You've always loved reading as long as I can remember." Carter says as he picks up one of the early editions of To Kill a Mockingbird.

"I can lose myself more in a good book than alcohol and I find it more therapeutic than getting wasted." I place some of Jane Austen's Shaekespear into the donation pile for the New York Public Library.

"Why isn't Archibald here helping you? Is his little gossip column more important?" I can still hear the disdain in Carter's voice as he speaks about Nate.

"Nate and I have mutually decided to end things. I need to focus on myself and I can't do that when dating him."

"And with this time being single what do you plan to do?"

"Bart made me a partner in Bass Industries and I'm head of our international division. I leave for Europe tomorrow which is why I need to get this all done before I leave."

"You're going to Europe."

"Yes. For business and I have scheduled my modeling work for over there as well so yes I'll be in Europe the whole summer."

"How would you feel if I joined you?"

"What? Why would..."

"Not to bother you or anything. But the new company that I'm invested in does a majority of the summer business in London and I would be spending my time there. So, we can meet up once and a while. As friends."

"Carter, I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Ella, nothing romantic, just two friends hanging out. We can talk about business and how life is treating us and if you want I can give you advice on any men you decide to date. Which all will be better than Archibald."

"Carter, don't be an ass." I joke as we box up and mark the last donation box."

"So, how do you feel about spending another summer with me in Europe?"

"Will you be showing me a whole new world?" I tease since that's what he said to me all those years ago when we first met.

"Only if you will allow me."

"I'm going to be a very busy woman Baizen, it's going to be hard to fit you in."

"I'll be there for you whenever you want me."

"After how we've left things why do you still want to be around me." Carter takes the items I was holding onto and places them on the floor. He takes my hand and holds them to his chest.

"For three years I've been kicking myself for making the biggest mistake of my entire life. It killed me knowing that I hurt you and that I couldn't keep our relationship afloat."

"Carter, we don't have to get into this. I have..."

"Ella, please let me explain. I hate myself for not fighting for us more. I should have fought for you. I shouldn't have let you walk away. I know I don't deserve your love, but we were friends before and I would like to still be friends if you would have me."

"I can't promise that things can be the way they were. I can..."

"I can only thank you for letting me back in your life one way or the other. I have missed your laugh and just being with you now unpacking and donating your things has been the best hour of my life in a long time."

"So, if I say yes to being friends what does that mean?"

"Well, like how we would find the best places that tourist didn't know about in the most unexpected towns and how we would laugh about our day and..."

"So just friendship?"

"If that's what you would like."

"Well, Mr. Baizen it looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the next few months."

"I'm looking forward to it."

How do you feel about Carter being back in Ella's life? Do you think they can work through their issues and stay just friends or will it become more? What about Nate?

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