The End to a New Beginning

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They flew ship back down to Earth and parked it in between the mountain range that concealed the base. They took the space bridge to get out and get inside their base. All the heroes, Autobots and humans, stood tall and proud. They were able to save Earth and bring Cybertron back to life. It was an amazing feeling for Shelby, for the first time since her military career, she felt like she did something good for once. She was able to do something worth fighting for. Though, she was dreading when they were going to leave. The chatter going on throughout the base, died down as Optimus began to speak. "Though our home world is once again capable of supporting life, we have much rebuilding to do. Alas, we will miss our home away from home, and the family we've made here." Optimus spoke. They all stood listening intently at their leader. "If cons are still our there won't Earth be on their radar?" Raf asked worriedly. "Raf if you ever need me, need us, for any reason, we're just a space bridge away." Bumblebee said trying to calm the worried boy. "Besides we'll be in good hands with you, Jack, Miko, and Shelby continuing to serve unit E. In a semi official capacity. Well Shelby will be full-time Agent." Agent Fowler said smiling at the children and Shelby. Shelby crossed her arms, thinking over the idea.  "Woah we are agents?" Miko jumped up excitedly. "Consultants. Until you're of age" June added in. "I trust that unit-E doesn't have any rules forbidding the enlistment of rusty old Autobot consultants?" Ratchet asked. They all looked at him in surprise. For he was the one that wanted to go home the most. "Ratchet, you of all---" "Yip-Yip-Yip! I know where I am needed." He said cutting Arcee off ending with a smile. 

The bots began to pack up and say their goodbyes. Shelby and Dreadwing left the hanger and went outside to talk. Shelby tried hard not to cry, she was trying hard to be strong, but the minute Dreadwing opened his mouth to speak, tears burst out of her like a waterfall. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." He said sweetly as he changed into his holoform and brought her close to him. He pulled her in and began to wipe away her tears. "I don't want you to leave. Everything was finally perfect and now your leaving." She sniffled, trying to get her words out. "I know, I know, but I need to help restore my home world. I wish you could come with me." He whispered as he rested his chin on her head and she snuggled into his chest. "What am I going to do without you?" She asked, crying into his chest. "You won't be without me. I'll always be right here and if you ever need me. Like Bumblebee said earlier. I'm only a space bridge away." He said using his finger to make her look up at him. "Then I'm calling you everyday, making you come back to me." She said trying to lighten the mood a little bit. Dreadwing gave a quiet chuckle. "I love you." He said giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.

He held her, for what seemed like forever. He didn't want to let her go. She didn't want him to either. In this moment, it was just the two of them. Shelby's tears had died down, but was still heartbroken at the fact that he was leaving. "Now don't you go dying again. I'll just have to bring you back to life and don't forget to recharge." She said with a smile. "You can bring me back to life anytime. I am very lucky to have someone like you find me. You made me the happiest bot alive. You helped me change my ways." He smiled at her. "I love you so much." She said jumping up, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him back in for another kiss. Then they realized it was time for him to go. They walked back inside, he was still in his holorform, holding her hand, squeezing tight, not wanting to let go. The rest of the bots stood near the opened space bridge, the other humans in front. 

He looked down at her with his ruby red eyes. His hands holding her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears, that had begun to fall again. She leans into his hand, wrapping her hands around one of his. Knowing this is the last time she will ever feel his touch. "I love you. Don't ever forget that." He says to her, stifling back tears. All she could do was nod. There were no words she could say to him besides "I love you too." He leaned down and gave her one last passionate kiss. Shelby tried to follow him and keep the kiss going as he breaks away. "Don't worry I'll come back to you." He whispers leaning his forehead against hers. "You better." She sniffles trying to hold back more tears. He slowly begins to let go of her, dissipating as he goes. He now stands in his real form, looking down at his weeping spark mate. It hurt him knowing she can't come with. It hurts her knowing he has to leave to help his planet. He walks towards the open space bridge then stops, looking back at her one more time. She has fallen to her knees, Miko, Jack and Raf surrounding her as she cries. She looks up with her tear stained face. "Please don't leave me." She whispers to him, knowing he can't hear her and watches him walk through the swirling vortex. 

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