Love is in the air

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*Warning- Sexual innuendos* 

Shelby has been going through rigorous training the past few weeks to get her legs working. She can't walk on her own yet, so she is on crutches. Ones that the children painted to make them look prettier. According to Miko, they were way to boring. Dreadwing stayed by her side the whole way. He won't leave her out of her sight. As well as doing his duty's around base, he is still there for her. Megatron has been silent since they found Shelby. Optimus knows he is up to something, but he has yet to figure it out yet. Ratchet has been working on Shelby's suit to try and get it so it she can wear it and it will help her walk better. He's been more grumpy than ever. Shelby told him he didn't have too, but he insisted. 

Today had been one of those days were nothing seemed to being going right. Well for Shelby anyway. That morning as she got up out of bed, before Dreadwing had awakened, to go to the bathroom, her crutch broke. Where the button held to keep the length of the crutch, caved in and caused Shelby to fall over. Her scream of pain awoke Dreadwing. He was immediately by her side. Now she only had one crutch and needed help moving around. After that incident, the day just seemed to go down hill.  She felt her depression creeping back up. She felt the need to try and act like she was fine. Though it seemed Dreadwing could see right through her. 

Shelby was sitting on the couch in the platform of the new base, when Dreadwing scooped her up and walked outside. He transformed around her and took off. "What are you doing?" She asked. "We are going to go relax." He told her. "Where are we going?" She asked him. "You'll see." Is all he said and the cockpit went silent. He soared through the clouds, veering around, trying to add some fun to the trip. A small smile creeped onto her face, Dreadwing noticed and caused the seat to heat up a little. "Your making my butt warm." She tried hard not to giggle.  He gave a hardy laugh, making the cockpit wiggle. The five point harness holding her in, tightened just a bit around her. 

Another few moments of flying, Dreadwing began to descend. Before he hit the ground, he transformed, Shelby fell into his servo. "I don't have my crutches." She noted. A frown formed on her lips, Dreadwing took one of his digits to her chin and moved her head to look at him. "You don't need them, I'll be your crutches." He said sweetly to her. Her cheeks started turn a light pink and tried to turn and hide from him. "Don't hide from me. You look so cute when you blush." He brought her close to her face, giving her a cheeky grin. "Anyway, where did you bring me?" She questioned, turning and looking at the sight before her. They stood on top of a cliff, surrounded by water. Beautiful tall green trees stood behind them, bushes with small cute pink and purple flowers. Dreadwing stood on bright green grass, no path to or from the area, telling her that it wasn't a place people knew about.

"While I was out scouting for Energon, I found this place and I knew I had to bring you to see the view." He explained to her. "Its gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it." She said in awe. Before she knew it, she was being set on the ground. She leaned back on her hands as she sat down, her legs still not easy to move. Next thing she knew, she felt Dreadwing sit down behind her, he moved his legs under her arms, and wrapped his arms round her waist, just below her cleavage. She brought her arms around and laid them on his arms. She leaned her head back against his strong muscular chest. She could hear his spark humming in his chest. It was her favorite sound. It made her feel safe. She always felt safe in his arms. She hoped it would never have to end. She hoped she would never lose him. He was her safe place. 

She wasn't sure how long they sat there, she was so focused on the scenery in front of her. She felt a pair of lips kiss the top of her head. Her lips broke into a smile. His arms unwrapped from her waist and started to rub her arms. He moved down and kissed under her ear and trailed down her neck. Shelby turned into him, their lips colliding. She moved her legs over his, so she was in his lap. She put her hands on his cheeks, holding him into the kiss. He held her close, deepening the kiss. So much passion and fire flooding through their bodies. The world seemed to stand still. The two lost in the moment. There make out session only started to get heated from there. Shelby gently bit his lip, sucking it in lightly, he gave a low moan, leaning back as she let his lip slide through her teeth. Once she let go, he slammed his lips back on hers, his hand on her back slid down, grabbing her ass. "Hey" She said muffled through their lips. 

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