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Her eyes slowly started to flutter open. She peered around the room, taking in her surroundings. "Shelby?" A low rough voice questioned beside her. His ruby eyes staring down at her. Guilt, sadness running through them. She brought her crystal blue eyes to his. Love and happiness pushing through. A smile formed on his face as well as hers. She noticed Dreadwing wipe something away from his eyes really quick. Likely hoping she wouldn't notices. "Dreadwing...Are you crying?" She questioned a frown replacing the smile. "Oh please smile again. I've missed it so much. They were just happy tears. I'm sorry." He quickly said to her. He sat down on the edge of the medical bed and grabbed her hand. "I'm so happy your awake." He whispered to her, bringing her hand up to his lips and giving her a gentle kiss. "Dreadwing." She started. "Hmm" giving her a sign to continue. "Can you come closer?" He gave her a confused look but did as she asked. She wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in closer. Their eyes closed as their lips brushed against each other.

"She's awake!" a high pitch voice was heard just outside the door. They quickly backed away from each other. Their cheeks turning a light pink. "Shelby!" Multiple voices were heard as others walked into the small hospital room. Miko jumped on the other side of the bed, opposite Dreadwing. He proceeded to stand up and stand back a bit, so the others can talk to her. Everyone had smiles on their faces. "How are you feeling?" Optimus asked looking down at the waken girl. "Like I've been thrown around in a box." She attempted to sit up, but pain shot through her body. Her face scrunched up in pain. Dreadwing set a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back. "Don't try and move just yet." June said from the end of the bed. "What happened to me?" Shelby asked. Everyone began to look at each other. Frowns replacing smiles. Some bowed their head afraid to look at her. "You guys look like you have bad news. Like when Silas destroyed my home. What happened?" She ordered. 

Before anyone could say anything, a man in a white doctor coat walked in and grabbed the clipboard at the end of her bed. Everyone turned and looked at him, waiting for him to say something. Shelby reached up and grabbed Dreadwing's hand. He gave her a light squeeze, letting her know it will be all right. "Its good to see you awake." The doctor started. "How long was I out?" She asked. "One day. You body needed to recover, its normal after a major surgery." He replied. "Surgery?" Her eyes went wide and squeezed Dreadwings hand. "You had internal bleeding as well as four broken ribs, two of which have pierced your lung. Your legs shattered. We had to put metal limbs in to replace the smaller broken pieces. Right now it is unsure if you will be able to walk again. We need to let them heal before we attempt to let you walk on them." The doctor said calmly. As if this was something normal.

Shelby covered her face with her hands. Hiding the tears starting to stream down her face. It makes sense why she couldn't feel them. She wasn't really paying attention tell now. June and Miko had tears coming down their face. Jack gave a sniffle wiping a tear away. Raf was hugging Bumblebee, trying not to cry. The others did their best to stay strong. Dreadwing had his hand on her shoulder now. He did what he could to give her comfort. Trying to stay strong for her. "After two weeks we will do x rays to check the bones and see how they healed with the metal limbs. Then we will talk about physical therapy." The doctor continued. "Am I stuck in here?" She whimpered. "Unfortunately yes. We still have to keep an eye on your ribs as well." He told her. She laid her head back on the pillow. All the excitement from before and crying from the doctor as exhausted her. "She needs rest, I advise you all leave and come back tomorrow." The doctor advised and left the room. 

"Autobots and children, we should leave and let her rest." Optimus suggested. He didn't want to leave either, but he understood that she did need rest. "Prime, I'm  staying with her." Dreadwing stated. Optimus gave him a nod and made his way out the room. The others soon followed, but made sure to say their goodbyes first. Shelby's eyelids had grown heavy. She tried hard to keep them open, but it soon got difficult. "It's okay, go to sleep." Dreadwing whispered to her. "Lay with me?" She mumbled. He happily obliged. He pulled the covers away a bit so he could slide in. He made sure not to move her legs to much. She tried to turn into him, but made a grunt when she couldn't turn over. She struggled for a few moments trying to get comfortable. Dreadwing moved onto his side, his right arm underneath her head and his other wrapped around her waist. She eventually sighed in defeat and stayed on her back. She moved her head as close to Dreadwing as she could. 

That night was a restless one. Between Shelby being in pain and Dreadwing trying to stay on the bed. At one point in the night, Shelby had screamed because of a nightmare, causing Dreadwing to fall off the small bed. All she did after that was apologize profusely. She was so upset that she scared him. He kept on reassuring her that it was alright and he didn't get hurt. Yet that didn't seem to calm the girl down. He held her close and tight, trying to get through to her. Soon enough she cried herself back to sleep. He waited a few more minutes before letting sleep consume him as well. 

*Two Weeks later*

The past two weeks have been the hardest two weeks of the Autobots and humans lives. They took turns staying with Shelby as Dreadwing needed to get back to base to recharge and help with a few missions. Today was the day Shelby got X-rays done on her legs to see if she will be able to start physical therapy. They were all very hopeful. Shelby's mood had also seemed to change. For someone with two broken legs, she was happy, or at least trying to be. Not once did she ask for a cigarette or for bottle. It was like she needed to be close to death to help change her mind. Not that they were complaining. They were just glad to have her back on the team. The nurses came into Shelby's room and started to get her ready. Everyone was there, wanting to know the results. Praying that everything would turn out good. 

About an hour later they rolled Shelby back into the room. The nurses said the doctor would be in shortly. They all jittered in anticipation. Shelby held onto Dreadwings hand, she could feel him shaking. She gave a light squeeze and a smile. One he gladly returned. Soon the Doctor squeezed his way in. "Alright if everybody could leave, patient confidentiality. Only family can be in the room." He harped over everyone in the room. Everybody turned and looked at him and no one moved. Optimus moved closer to the other side of her, his arms crossed. June and Ratchet also moved close. June sat on the bed in front of Dreadwing. The other moved to make room for the doctor, still not leaving the room. He gave a huff and started pulling out the x-rays. "So your bones started to heal nicely around the metal. If you look here and here, you will see the new growth. Here is a before. It's beautiful. You will be able to walk again. We shall start pt for you asap." The doctor smiled down to her. Her eyes wide with excitement. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Dreadwing squeezed her hand happily. Everyone started to cheer as the doctor left. 

"This is great. You'll be walking in no time." Bulkhead exclaimed, giving her a high five. "Thank you so much for being here." She said, happy tears coming to her eyes. "You are family. We will always be here for you." Arcee reminded her. Shelby nodded, wiping the tears away. She looked around the room at her family. Optimus, Ratchet, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Ultra Magnas, Bumblebee, Raf, Arcee, Jack, Miko, June, even Agent Fowler, and last but not least Dreadwing. She lingered her eyes on him. Before she knew it, he was on her level, looking into her eyes. Their faces got closer, time seemed to slow down. Then he kissed her. He gently placed his lips on her. She was surprised at first, but started to melt into him. He put his hand on her cheek. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to him, deepening the kiss. Neither caring that others were in the room. 

Bring Me Back (You Saved Me Series Book 2) TFPDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora