Please Survive

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As of right now, Dreadwing was feeling useless. He isn't able to go and help the others. Shelby could be anywhere and he was stuck at base. He was starting to rethink his alt mode. Though, he knew Shelby would shoot him if he changed it because of her. She needed him. No matter what anyone thought, she needed him and he needed her. He stood near the computers, his arm resting on the platform the humans use. His optics bore into the screens, waiting for a signal or something to pop up. He was left in charge of the ground bridge controls while the others all went off to look for Shelby. He did what he could to try and get Knockout's signal, but he didn't have the hacking skills Soundwave had. 

"Dreadwing." The gruff voice of Ratchet came through the link. "Dreadwing here." He answered. "I spotted Knockout's alt at the Springfield medical facility. Send the others." Ratchet orders. Dreadwing felt his spark leap out of his chest. He immediately sent for the others and ground bridge them to Ratchets position. Now he could wait hopefully. They were on the right track after being on the wrong one for so long. He listened to the song playing in the back ground. Shelby had gotten him into the band Five Finger Death Punch. Though he didn't understand the name. Like can you only use five fingers to kill someone with a punch. Or Did they only have five fingers and they could give good punch. It really didn't make sense to him. Though, he will admit their music was really good. 

*Springfield Medical Center*

Ratchet stayed in his vehicle mode, parked next to Knockouts vehicle mode. He waited tell the other Autobots rolled up to step out in his holoform. Optimus was out before his alt was even came to a stop. The others following in suit. No words were said as the group made its way inside. Once inside, the group got plenty of looks as they made there way to the front desk. Other patients stop what they are doing to stare at them. It was probably the hair colors that through them off. For Optimus, though standing tall, broad shouldered, his black hair had navy blue and cherry red streaks running through. Ratchet standing next to him, pushing his glasses over his bright blue wrinkled eyes. His hair a shaggy white, with one orange streak going down each side. 

Bumblebee stood next to Arcee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack. All four looking around for Knockout. Bumblebee had bleach blond hair with back at the tip of his bangs hanging over his young clean, shaven face. Arcee's hair was short blue with pink streaks, probably the most out of place. Bulkhead had the most normal out of the group, short cropped black hair, matching his military build. Wheeljack's white hair was sleeked back, with prominent grass green and cherry red streaks. Keeping an eye on the rear, was Smokescreen and Ultra Magnas. Smokescreen's hair was as wild as he was, Blue and blond, short and spiky. Magnas has dark blue almost black military fade. They all had straight faces, while waiting to hear something about Shelby. "We are looking for a Shelby Bishop. She was very injured when she would of come in. None responsive." Optimus explained to the nurse at the front desk. "Yes she came in with a Mr. Knockout." The young nurse said, seeming unsure of the name. "That's her. Where is she?" Exclaimed Ratchet. 

"She is in emergency surgery. Unfortunately I can't give you anymore information unless your family." She said sadly. "We are family!" The group said in unison. The nurse stepped back in fright. Her mouth gaped open, unsure what to say. "I...I need...identification. To prove you" She sputtered out. "We may not be blood related, but we have shed blood together. Sure the man that brought her in is with her." Ratchet argued. "I was told he was her... husband." She whimpered the last word. For each one of the Autobot holoforms faces turned to disgust or horror. Without a word, the nurse pointed to the end of the hall to some blue double doors. They all turned and ran. Magnas was the last to follow, shaking his head at the young women. 

Knockout was sitting in a blue chair behind the double doors. He jumped in surprise as the double doors burst open and the Autobots ran in. Before anything could happen, Arcee had him backed up against the wall. Her arm against his neck holding him up. "How could you?" She sneered at him. The others stood glaring at him. Optimus walked up behind Arcee, putting a hand on her shoulder. "He was doing what he thought was best for Shelby." He stated, staring Knockout in the eyes. "He called himself her husband. He had no right!" Arcee argued. "We all know Dreadwing would be her spark mate." Smokescreen chimed in. Magnus elbowed him in the gut. "Ow" Smokescreen cried. "It...was...the...only...way...I...could...stay...with...her." Knockout wheezed out. Optimus squeezed Arcee's shoulder, getting her to let go of him. He dropped to the floor, hand to his neck, trying to breath. 

"The doctor said she should be out in few more hours. Two of which have pierced her lung. She has internal bleeding. Her legs are shattered and she has multiple broken ribs.  They think...think she might become paralyzed." Knockout told them. His head hung as he sat back down. His elbow rested on his knee and his hand held his forehead. They all backed up, giving him space. Their faces went from anger to sadness. Optimus turned and stared at the door to the operating room. They couldn't hear what was going on the other side. They had no idea if she was going to make it or not. There was nothing they could do. "I'm going to go get Dreadwing. HE needs to be here, When she comes out." Ultra Magnas growled. Keeping an eye on Knockout, who winced out of reflex. Optimus gave him a acknowledged nod and watched him head back through the blue double doors. 

It wasn't but an hour later that Magnas brought Dreadwing in his holoform. The first thing Dreadwing wanted to do was rip Knockout apart, but Shelby was the only thing on his mind. He ran with Magnas down the hall to the others. They were either sitting or standing against the wall. "Anything?" He asked, eyes wide. "No not yet." Smokescreen spoke, not looking at Dreadwing. Dreadwing stared at the doors that he knew she would be behind. "How did this happen?" He questioned, breaking the silence. No one out of the Autobots spoke, they all knew who he was talking to. "Dreadwing, I was trying to save her." Knockout defended himself. "This is what you call saving!" He turned and yelled. "Dreadwing, now is not a time to fight." Optimus tried to cut in. "Optimus! Shelby is dying. She is broken...because of him." Dreadwing pointed his finger to Knockout. His red eyes gleaming in anger. "I'm the one that has been trying to find her. The one that's been trying to save her. You stole her from me. You stole her from us." He continued.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I was following orders. When you came on the ship, I told a vehicon to grab her and be gentle with her, when trying to get her away. I know now, I should of just let you get her. I didn't know what to do. It all happened so fast. Dreadwing. I know I was wrong. I'm sorry." Knockout pleaded to him. Hoping Dreadwing would find someway to forgive him. Though he knew it was probably a waste. "I will never forgive you. And if she doesn't make it out of there alive. I will rip you to shreds. I will make you with you were never sparked." Threated Dreadwing. Knockout cowered back in fear. "I think I will take my leave. Megatron will already be punishing me. Please just let me know if she makes it." He stood up to leave. "Knockout," Optimus stood walking to him. "Why don't you join us? You have good in you. Shelby told us before. Now I have been able to see it." He continued holding out his hand. 

"I appreciate the offer. But I must decline." and with that. Knockout left the building. All except Dreadwing, watched him leave. They then turned back and watched as Dreadwing started to pace back and forth. "Some of us need to go back and make sure the Decepticons aren't causing trouble." stated Optimus. "Magnas, you, the wreckers, smokescreen and I, will head back to base. Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebee and of course Dreadwing stay here. Let me know as soon as you hear anything. If anything happens, we will be on our way." Optimus ordered before he and the others walked out. Arcee and Bumblebee took the now empty chairs. Dreadwing continued to pace. 

*hours pass*

The door to the surgery room opens, quietly, yet loud enough to make the worn out group look up. Eyes wide, waiting for an answer. The doctor stared down at them. Unsure of what to say to the four sitting in front of him. He opened his mouth but quickly closed it. This caused Dreadwing to stand up. "Doc, Please tell me she's alright." He pleased, a tear staining his eye. The doctor looked at him, into his unnatural red eyes. For he didn't know what he really was. Though you could see the love for the women in his eyes. The hope that she will be alright. Praying she would be in his arms again. "Please." He begged, closing in on the doctor. "She will be alright, but." The doctor started. Just when Dreadwings eyes began to light up, the light vanished. Words he was unprepared to hear. That no one was prepared to hear. 

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