The Forth and Final Key

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Once in the hallway, Shelby could hear bots talking in the bay. Some of them must be up. She knew she was going to have to be stealthy. She moved quickly down the hallway. As she got closer to the end of the hall, closer to the kitchen, she knew who the voices were. It was Optimus and Ratchet. They seemed to be having a private conversation. Luckily, for them, Shelby could care less at this moment. She also wasn't one to butt in on conversations she didn't belong in. She watched carefully as she slid around the corner. Making sure Optimus or Ratchet didn't see her. Now she had the kitchen all to herself. She walked to the back of the kitchen where she knew the liquor cabinet is hidden. She licked her lips as she already imagined the sweet taste of Jack pouring down her throat. She opened up the closet expecting to see the cabinet, but it wasn't there. She moved things out of the way. She pressed her hands against the wall, hoping maybe the bots figured out a way to turn things invisible. She was so focused on the task at hand she didn't hear the footsteps walking through the kitchen to her.

"Looking for something?" Said a deep voice from behind her. She stood up fast and straight, then slowly turned around to see her captures.

"Hey! Optimus, Ratchet." Her voice going up a notch.

They both stood in front of her in their holoforms. Their arms crossed and they each had a raised eyebrow. Its as if they rehearsed before coming in.

"Can I help you?" She asked trying to keep the subject off what she was doing.

"What were you looking for." Ratchet questioned. His electric blue eyes staring her down.

"Uhhh...I was looking for....The broom. Oh look here it is." Shelby stammered, she turned and grabbed a random boom and tried to walk past the two.

"Nice try, Shelby." Optimus said. He let his arms drop, and grabbed the broom from Shelby putting it back in the closet.

"Its not here." He stated turning and looking at her.

"What's not here? I don't know what your talking about." She lied, her nerves getting the best of her.

Optimus and Ratchet both knew exactly what she wanted. They wanted to make sure she didn't get it. They stood there a moment, not saying anything. Staring down at her, with their electric blue eyes. Ratchet still had him arms crossed over his white lab coat.

"Stop staring at me like that." Shelby growled.

This made them stare harder.

"Ah! Fine. I was looking for my liquor. Now tell me where it is." She snapped. Optimus ran a hand through his thick black neatly combed hair.

"Its 4 in the morning. How much have you already had to drink?" He asked her. He was concerned for her, they all were.

"Not that much, I just finished a bottle and I want more. Now tell me where it is." She snapped again.

"How much was in that bottle?" Ratchet glared at her.

"Does it matter? I'm fine. I bought that alcohol and I want to drink it." She said her voice raising.

"We know, Shelby, but we are trying to help you. Maybe you can get more later." Optimus tried to reason with her. Shelby gave him a death glare. He didn't even flinch at this.

"This isn't over." She snarled and walked out of the kitchen.

They both watched her leave the kitchen and take a right to her bedroom, they assumed. Optimus leaned against the countertop and rubbed his eyes.

"She sure is a handful." Ratchet stated, leaning back as well.

"She is, but I'm not giving up on her and I know Dreadwing won't either." Optimus said.

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