Filling in the blanks

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*With Dreadwing*

Dreadwing woke up with a heavy pant. He was back in his real form. Though, he was unsure of how he got there. Only moments ago he was with Shelby, driving back to base. He tried to remember how he got back to his bipedal mode. He looked around and realized he was on the medical table in base. He quickly sat up. A wave of dizziness swept over him, making him have to lay down again. He started hearing noises. At first he wasn't sure what he was hearing. Slowly he started to realize it was explosions and gun fire. He tried to get up again, before he could stand up, Ratchet came running into the med bay.

"Oh thank the Allspark your awake. We need to go now." He roared. He quickly helped Dreadwing to his feet.

"Where is Shelby?" Dreadwing managed to mumble out.

"We don't know, she didn't come back with you." Ratchet tried to tell him.

"What do you mean she didn't come back with me? How did I get back?" Dreadwing questions, pain showing though his vocalizers.

"There is no time to explain. The decepticons are about to blow the base up. We need to leave." Ratchet snapped.

Dreadwing stopped talking. Though, he was still very worried about Shelby.

The next few moments, were a blur to him. As he has yet to fully recover from what happened to him. The last thing he remembered was being told by Prime not communicate and he flew out of the ground bridge. He had no idea where he was and he was now alone. No clue what happened to Shelby or the others. He knew he couldn't stay in his jet mode, for he was an easy target. He franticly looked for a place to hide. Taking cover in an abandoned barn was the only choice he seemed to have. The only thought on his mind was to find Shelby, then find the others. He had too. For now he would wait tell morning to come, then he would start his search.

Morning came and he had still not heard anything from the others. He knew the con's would be listening for them to contact each other, but he was still hoping for this all to be a dream. He walked out of the weather beaten barn and looked to the skys. Hoping for some sign to tell him where he was. For he had no clue where the Prime had sent him. He debated back and forth on whether he should fly or stay put. If he flew, he could easily be spotted, but if he stayed put they might never find him. He chose to fly and head back to Jasper, it was the only thing he could do, and he bet the others were doing the same. He was able to get his navigations working and started heading towards Jasper, Nevada.

*Late Afternoon*

He had been flying for some time now. He figured out that he was ground bridge to some abandoned town in Washington state. He was getting close to Jasper now. He hoped he might spot some of the others along the way. So far he has had no luck. That was until he saw a Energon cloud to the East. That was his cue and he turned and flew as fast as he could. Which, for being a jet, was very fast. He kept going, Energon was running low, he needed to get to the others fast. As he was realizing all of this, he realized another problem. How was he going to charge? Shelby had gotten him the generator to charge him. How was he going to get another one without her? Then thinking of Shelby, made him miss her more. Where was she? She should be with him, flying with her to find the others. She should be laughing and joking, keeping our minds off of everything going on right now.

The smoke from the Energon Explosion was dying down now. Lucky for Dreadwing he was just about there. As he got closer he saw the two wreckers running for their lives. From what, he wasn't sure. Until he heard the roar of the dragon behind him. He turned and got behind the metal dragon and started to shoot at it. While he was doing that, he barely noticed the two wreckers being picked up by an unknown spaceship. Hopefully they were the good guys. Both Dreadwing and the new ship were able to shoot the thing out of the sky. He then followed the ship. Knowing the good guys were on the ship. They would know where to go, hopefully.

Bring Me Back (You Saved Me Series Book 2) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now