Can't the past Stay in the past

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*Warning- Graphic content and slight nudity*

Shelby couldn't sleep that night. Thoughts from early tonight, ran through her head. She felt something reopen inside her. Going into the field was a good thing. Its just what she needed to get back on her feet. This made her happy. Knowing that she was going to keep her promise to Dreadwing. She took a look up at the berth where he was recharging. Though, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She shot her father in the leg. She almost killed him. Did she really want that. Maybe he was right about her. Maybe she couldn't do it. She mentally slapped herself for thinking such things. He was not her father anymore. He was nothing to her and she would be the one to kill him. If Megatron didn't get to him first.

She decided, since she couldn't sleep, to climb up to Dreadwing and try and sleep on his chest. His spark humming and the warmth it gave always helped her fall asleep. With a few grunts and almost falling off, she made it to his chest. She took a look at his face before, she curled up. He looked so calm and peaceful. It made her happy to see him this way. She hoped they would be able to go on their date soon. It made her very happy to know that he feels the same way about her. She never thought he would want to be with her. She just figured he only protected her and became her friend, because she brought him back to life. She hoped it wasn't that, but now she knew it wasn't and it made her very happy.

She curled up into a ball on his chest. She had her pillow with her, as well as a blanket. Though, she didn't think she wouldn't need the blanket. She was in a baggy hoodie and leggings and with Dreadwings spark heating things up. She knew she would be warm enough. Once she was settled, she could feel her eyelids start to get heavy. For some reason she wanted to fight it, but she knew she needed sleep. Right before she drifted off, she felt Dreadwing lay his large servo over her. Little did she know, Dreadwing loved it when she would come sleep on top of him. It's the closest he felt to her and he wish he could really sleep in the same bed as her. For now, he was taking things slow with her. He didn't want to scare her.

*Shelby's Nightmare*

Shouting, Shooting, Explosions, Screaming, Blood, Death. I was walking in the middle of it. The battlefield. I came with the convoy to fix one of my weapons equipment, but thats not what I did when I got there. I ran and ran, searching for my comrades. I could hear shouting behind me, telling me to stop and come back. I couldn't, I had find them. There was no one left alive. Everyone...Dead. Bodies lay sprawled out in the open. Shell cases litter the ground, the brass shining against the desert sun. The desert sand was bleeding. Blood coated the ground. I start to slow down as I near my buddies tent. The guys that I had grown close to before we deployed.

I was to late. I was always to late. I fell to my knees, picking up the body of the dead. He was young, they all were. I was there leader and I failed them. My uniform, now covered in his blood. I looked over to see one of my corporals. Though, you would never know if you didn't see his name tag. His head had been crushed. Brain matter and more blood splattered the ground. He didn't even have a chance to survive as they shot him too. Not sure if it was before or after his head being crushed. I sat there, for what seemed like forever, tears flooding out of my eyes. I couldn't save them. I felt a hand on my shoulder. One of my men who came with me, he eyes drooped in sadness, he sniffled trying not to cry. I let go of the body I was holding and stood up. We made our way back to the convoy.

Before we made it, gunfire rang out. We started running, getting behind the vehicles. There never seemed to be a break of fire. I leaned to the side of the vehicle to get a shot in. I was going to kill someone or someone's. Not just one. They killed my men, I was going to kill theirs. I got one kill in, but before I could get another, a bomb went off. The last thing I remember was seeing body's laying around me, fire roaring from one of the vehicles. Then my world going black.

Bring Me Back (You Saved Me Series Book 2) TFPUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum