Part 23

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I moaned a bit as I started to wake up a bit. "What happened?" I said aloud, as I placed my hand on my head.  The pounding in my head didn't hurt that much before, but I could still feel it.  The world started to spin around me, as I awoke more.  I fully saw the room I was in.  It was the bedroom style room that they put me into before.  My eyes widdend as I jolted up in the bed, looking around the room in fear.  I was suprized that I wasn't strapped down anymore.  I wasn't even feeling weak in the legs like before.  I shifted so I was sitting on the bed, with my legs hanging over the side of the bed. I looked around the dark room, seeing the moonlight shine through the windows, and the shadow of trees, grow within the room. The shadowy branches spread throughout the room, making it look like it was cocooning everything. Sounds of people working in the other room, muffled through the walls, as they continued.  I looked at the left wall next to me in confusion, as I thought to myself.  "Who's out there, and what are they doing?" I asked myself as I got up from the bed, and walked over to the wall.

I placed my head against the wall, as I heard the clanking of metal, and running water on the other side of the wall.  I heard muffling voices, as I slowley figured out that one was Ruki's.  I backed up in fear as I looked around, seeing a light shining through the outline of a door.  I ran to the door, as I fell on the ground, but I got up, and continued running.  I ran up to the door, almost falling face first on it, as I started giggling the handle.  It wouldn't move, wouldn't open.  I started banging on the door, hopeing that I was with Subaru, but it didn't change anything.  I banged a few times up against the door, then stopped when I heard footsteps.  The footsteps stopped as the jingling of keys entered the room.  I backed up as the door opened, reveling Yuma.  He looked unhappy, like I just woke him up from a deep sleep.  "Your so noisy" he said, as he shut the door, then started walking up to me.  I backed up in fear, as I bumped into the corner of the room.  I studied Yuma as he pulled out one of those syringes.  He continued to corner me as he got right up against me.

He pulled back some of my hair that covered the back of my neck.  "Alright, hold still" he said, as he placed his other hand on my neck, so he had a target to inject the needle. The needle was about to prick my neck, as I jerked down, making him stab the needle into his finger.  He didn't realize it was his own hand, until he started looking tired and weak.  He looked at me with tired eyes as he spoke.  "You little" he said, as he fell to the floor to sleep.   I waited a bit to see if he actually fell asleep, which he did.  He was on the floor, lying on his side, with his hand under his head.  I could see his chest rise and fall within each breath that he took.  Silently and carefully, I bent down towards him, as I felt his pockets.  I ended up finding  another syringe and a ring of keys, that only had about three keys on it.  I didn't know where they went to, but I took them anyway, just to be safe.  

I opened the door silently, as I peeked on the other sides of the hallway, seeing them clear.  Then I took a left, as I started to follow my gut.  I got to the end of the hallway, where their lab was, seeing it still looking like it did before. The bed still in the middle under the hanging lamp.  The side desk and the sink next to it.  I carefully walked into the room, preparing to fight anyone that came in my way. I sneaked to the sink and started rummaging through the draws.  I opened one up seeing a pairing knife, sharpened as much as possible, sitting in the draw. I grabbed it and slipped it into the most accessible pocket, then put my shirt over it to hide it.  I tried to find more syringes, but I couldn't.  "They must've knew I was going to do this" I thought to myself, as I shut the draw, and walked around.  I huffed as I looked around the room for an exit.  The room had so many hallways connected to it, that I didn't know where to look. I decided to walk on the other side of the room, seeing a closet door.  "Maybe there's something in there I can use" I said as I creeped up to it, as I kept an eye out for any more of the Mukami's.

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