Part 8

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I jolted up in bed, as I started to gasp in a panic. I took deep inhales as I looked down, trying to catch my breath.  My chest hurt from the panicking that happend in the last five minutes.  It felt like I was panicking in my sleep, even though I wasn't.  I thought about the dream, as I looked over at Yui's side of the room.  She was still sleeping soundly, as she snuggled under her confider. She looked so relaxed by the looks of it, looking like nothing was wrong in the world, even though it was.  She cuddled with her extra blanket, as it rubbed against her cheek.  A smile was on her face while she slept, letting me know that she was finally at peace with her sleep. She started to look more restful the longer I watched her.  I took another inhale, as I silently shifted and got off the bed.  I walked to the door as I checked the window, seeing that it was still locked shut.  "Good, she'll be safe in here" I said to myself, as I silently opened the door, and entered the hallway outside the room. I left the door cracked, so I could keep an eye on Yui.

I walked over to the kitchen as I started searching for food, still finding nothing.  I rummaged through the cabinets seeing nothing to eat, not even anything to cook. I looked in the fridge, knowing that nothing was in there anyway.  I could've just been bored this morning, but I still couldn't go anywhere without Yui.  It still wasn't safe to come out yet.  I rummaged through the cabinets seeing nothing to cook up. I huffed in frustration, as I placed my hands on my head, feeling like crying. "Why did this happen to us, Yui?" I asked myself, as I started to cry.  I was feeling a mixture of sadness, frustration and fear.  The situation was becoming too much for me to handle, but I knew that I had to be strong for Yui.  I huffed as I turned around, and leaned onto the cupboards, looking around in thought.  "I need to go to the store, but I couldn't leave Yui here alone" I said with a sigh.

I looked out the window of the living room, seeing  cars moved back and forth in between. It was just a normal road like it always is first thing in the morning.  Cars were rushing back and forth to get to work.  People in suits, holding suitcases rushed back and forth, while talking on their phones. Nothing has changed since we came here.  It was just a normal day at home.  I huffed in relief as I heard footsteps enture the house.  They walked closer to me, no voices just footsteps.  My eyes widened in fear of a vampire from the hospital. Without thought, I ran to the draw and grabbed a knife.  I held it out, blade towards the sound, as a figure moved within the darkness of the hallway. I studied the hall in fear as a outline formed, as Yui came out of the shadows, and yawned.  "Sam, what are you doing?" she asked, as she cleared her eyes out more.  She eyed the knife while looking confused.  "Why do you have a knife? Something wrong?" she asked, more in a worried tone now. I sighed deeply, as I put the knife away, knowing that I was fine.  "No, just you scared me, that's all" I said as I walked over to the table, seeing papers all over the place.

I started to rummage through a stack of unopened mail, when I came across a black envelope with red lettering.  I stared at the envelope, as I studied the coloring in confusion.  "Where have I seen this before?" I said to myself, as I turned it around and started to open it.  I pulled out what looked like an old letter.  It was a old dusty paper, with a bite mark on the corner of it.  Blood was stained all over the back of it, making a design that looked like fangs.  I opened the letter as I started reading it to myself.  The letter went like this:

Dear Mr. Kimori,

   My name is Mr. Mukami, and I sensed that your daughter Sam, has vampire running through her blood.  She is not in any harm from it, so don't you worry about the rest of your family.  My staff and I have agreed to run some tests on Sam, to make sure she's not actually a vampire in the process. If she is, I'll have to keep her with the staff  to make sure the rest of your family is safe, and not becoming food. On top of that, if she turns out to be a pureblood vampire, I will have to set her up with one of our staff to take care of her. This will require her to move out and not be with either member of your family.  Sam is in a situation that needs to be taken care of immediately.  If you agree with anything that we're wanting to do to save your daughter, please write a note, with signature and send it back immediately.

                                                                                                                              Ruki Mukami                                                                                                                                                                               Head sergeon at The Dark Clinic

I examined the letter carefully as I noticed the note that my dad had write.  It basically gave him permission for the research, and saying that he would bring me up soon.  My eyes widened at the thought of it, as I folded the letter up, and ripped it in half.  Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I sat there thinking.  "He was going to have me tested anyway" I thought to myself, as I started sobbing.  I looked down as I closed my eyes, and started to feel the tears, as they rolled down my cheek.  Yui looked at me in worry and confusion.  She placed a hand on my shoulder as I started crying harder. "Sam, what's wrong?" Yui asked.  I looked at her, as I wiped my face from the tears.  "Nothing, let's just relax" I said, as I walked into our room, and Yui did her own thing.

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