Part 19

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I awoke feeling a little weak all over.  I felt like I couldn't move anything, not my arms, or my legs.  I couldn't even find the strength to lift my head up off the pillow. I felt weak, completely weak, like I was paralyzed.  I was back in my bedroom, resting with a bunch of pillows, that kept my body in a slant.  White sheets covered the bed under me, and above me, protecting whatever was under it.  There was no railings on the bed, it was just a normal bedroom bed. I seemed to be in the room all alone, by the looks of it.  I shifted my head, as I felt a cold metal feeling up against my skin. I looked at it, seeing a syringe with blood sitting on my arm, with the needle taped to my arm, keeping it in place.  "What the?" I thought to myself, as I looked around the room.  I was all alone at this point.  The room was silent, with the light on, brightening up the room.  It wasn't really blinding, but it was bright enough to see everything clearly. I looked towards the door, seeing a cup of water and a bag of blood sitting on a little tray right next to me. "What's going on?" I asked myself, as the door opened, and Subaru sighed.  He came into the room with Reiji following right behind him.  He shut the door, as he walked to the other side of the bed.  He was holding a plastic bucket of somesort, and he placed it next to the bed as he sat on something. I didn't see what it was, but my guess was that it was some type of stool.  He looked at me while he rubbed my head.  "Feeling better Sam?" he asked, while I felt his cold hand up against my cheek. 

Reiji looked down at me from the other side of the bed, seeming worried even more as he sighed.  Reiji faced Subaru as he spoke. "How's she feeling?" he asked, in a low voice, keeping his volume down for me.  Subaru stayed silent as he shifted his hands in a few places on my head, then backed up.  "She's strangly feeling cold, like ice cold" he said, as he looked down at me.  I staired at him in confusion, as Reiji shifted, catching my attention. "Hmm, maybe she's completely turned" he said in thought, as he felt for himself.  "Wow, she does" he said finally, as he went to mess with something next to him.  He held a bag with dark, red liquid in it. I looked over at it weakly as I started to crave blood.  I was feeling a mixture of thirst and weakness at the same time.  Reiji cut a hole in the bag as he put it some type of bottle, and put a little cover in it. It was like a little water bottle, but I didn't know for sure.  Reiji put the cup down as he started to lift my head up.  "Can you hold her like this?" he asked Subaru in a low tone.  Subaru did as what he asked, as he place his other hand on my chest.  "It's going to be ok" he said, which soothed me a little bit.

Reiji huffed as he brought the bottle close to me, and put the open nozzle in my mouth, letting the red liquid pour out into my mouth.  My eyes widened as I found out what it was.  "Blood, their forcing me blood" I thought to myself, as I felt like panicking. I whipped my head away, which knocked the nozzle out of my mouth.  Reiji tipped the bottle up as he huff.  "Sam, please stop fighting it.  You can't fight it anymore" he said, in a worried voice.  He went to put the bottle back into my mouth, but I moved my head away from him.  "No, I will not take it anymore" I said, with a whimper in my voice.  I felt the wet tears, roll down my cheek as I closed my eyes.  I felt sick again, as I continued to become weak.  "Sam, please drink blood, you can't fight it anymore. You're going to die if we don't get some into you." Reiji tried again, but once again I refused it.

Reiji huffed as he looked at the door. "Can we get some help in here?" he yelled, as he looked back at me.  I closed my eyes, as I lied there crying.  The room became quiet as someone entered the room.  "Please help us, she's refusing blood still" Reiji told the person as movement entered the room.  "She's not taking it?" Ayato's voice said as I opened my eyes, to find him standing in front of me.  He looked as worried as the other two did.  He huffed as he spoke. "Sam. You can't go without blood anymore.  You gotta drink it now, and on a daily basis" he said, in a sad tone.  I looked up at him as I thought of killing Yui.  "No, I won't. It reminds me too much of Yui's blood.  I can't do it." I yelled at him, as tears rolled down my cheeks.  Subaru got off me, as Reiji put the bottle down on the side of the table. Ayato huffed as he looked up. "Can I talk with her alone? I'll try to get her to drink it" he told Reiji.  Moments later, both Reiji and Subaru left the room, shutting the door behind them.

Ayato walked over to the other side with the bottle of blood, and sat in a chair next to me.  He sighed as he spoke. "Sam, why refuse? It's going to make you feel better."  I moaned as I let out a little sob. "I can't.  It brings back bad memories" I said, as I closed my eyes.  Ayato huffed as he shifted in his spot.  "Sam, remember what Yui told you when you killed her?" he asked, bringing those memories back.  I shifted as I turned to look at him. Tears rolled down my cheek.   "I can't... Can't think of it right now" I said, trying to remember, but I was too weak to even do that.  Ayato sighed as he spoke.  "When she asked you to stay alive for her?"  My eyes widened as I reminded myself.  I sat there in silence as I eyed the blood.  "Remember, you said no matter what, you'll stay alive for her.  Remember that?" he asked, as I kept my gaze on the blood.   I calmed myself down as I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I do" I said, as I shed another tear.  Ayato followed my gase at the glass, as he cleared his voice.  "Well, drinking that glass will help with that.  Please, for Yui?" I sighed as I struggled to nod. "Can you help me, I'm too weak to move" I said, getting another craving for it.  Ayato smiled as he reached for the glass.

He placed the glass in his right hand, as he scooped my head up in his left.  He prompted me up as he sighed, holding the glass closer.  "You ready for this? Got to take the whole cup" he spoke, making it seemed not so bad.  I nodded as I prepared myself for it. "Ready" I said.  He brought the glass to my mouth, as he pouted the blood in.  My eyes widened at the iron taste, but I didn't fight it.  Didn't pull away.  "Got to drink this for Yui" I kept myself thinking, as it rushed down my throat.  It went from a iron taste to a sweet taste again.  This sweet taste made it actually really good.  The craving for it started to come back, as I felt stronger by the minute.  "Almost done" he said as the last drop poured my throat.  He pulled the bottle away, as he placed it on the table next to him.

Immediately, I felt stronger which made it easy to sit up.  I sat up, and pressed my back against the wall, as I looked at the door.  I felt a lot better, but still thirsty for more.  "Did I just accept what I was turning into?" I asked myself as I turned to Ayato. "How you feeling now?" he asked, as he smiled and laughing a bit about the way I reacted. I could see why he thought it was funny, it was the first time that I enjoyed a glass of blood.  I looked at him  slowkey as I spoke.  "Better.  Stronger and not feeling like throwing up" I said, as I looked at the door.  Ayato kept smiling as he sighed.  "Well i'm glad" he said, as the room went silent.  I didn't look at him, but I spoke. "Would it be a bother if I had more?" I asked him, as I licked my upper lip, feeling the little fang that hung in it's spot.  The fang started to feel normal to me.  Ayato smiled as he got up. "I'll be back" he said as he grabbed the glass and empty bag, and left the room.

A few minutes later he came back in with a couple more bags full of blood.  He cut one of the bags open, and pour it into the fresh cup, then handed it to me.  I drank it a bit, then stopped to start sipping off it.  I sighed as I looked at the glass, and started twirling it around.  "Never thought I would enjoy blood" I said, more to myself then to Ayato. For a moment, I forgot that he was even in the room with me.  Ayato smiled leaving a little chuckle, which broke into a moment of laughter.  I eyed him in confusion for a moment.  "What's so funny?" I asked as I went for another sip. Ayato sighed before he spoke.  "Uh, nothing.  It's just you went from hating it to liking it in a minute."  I smiled as I spoke again.  "Well, like you said. I have to do it for Yui."  Ayato and I sat there, while I was drinking blood.  I went to drink it as I stopped, thinking of what was going on in the hospital.  I thought about the Mukami's wanting me for some reason, but I didn't know why.  Was I even safe in this little apartment?

My mind was racing with questions as I heard someone talk to me.  It was a muffled sound, almost like an echo in my head.  I didn't feel like passing out at all, so the feeling was weird.  I pulled from my thoughts as a hand was placed on my shoulders.  "Sam?" Ayato said, which grabbed my attention.  I jolted a stare at him, as I watched him in confusion.  "Sorry, I was spacing again" I said, as I took a sip of the blood.  Ayato sighed as he spoke.  "It's ok. I just got worried" he said, as he shifted to look at the wall.  "Well, I got some things to do.  Come out when your ready" he said as he got up from  the bed, and left the room.  I lied back in the bed, putting my back against the wall as I continued to think.  I sighed as I looked  down at the glass, and swirled the blood in it.  "Got to live for Yui" I said, as I took another sip.

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