Part 22

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I awoke with a tiny pounding in my head, as the world was starting to clear into my eyes. Slowly, the world drifted into view, showing a bright head lamp that hung over me. I heard the clanking of metal, and soft voices that entured into the room. It sounded like someone was busy doing something around me. It sounded like they were getting ready to so something and fast.  I couldn't jump ahead too much, seeing how I still didn't know who was around me.  I just woke up from a forced nap a few hours ago. The voices around me were too faint, that I couldn't put a face to any of them.  I tried to focus what was going on, seeing if I could figure it out from there. I felt something wet onto the inside of my elbow, followed by a tiny pinch and something sticky.  I felt hands all over the place, as the clanking sound of metal filled the room.  I moaned a bit, as a hand was placed on my forhead, but again, no one said a word.  I shifted a bit but it was quite difficult with all the hands everywhere. 

I heard a moving of wheels turning, as a hand rubbed my forhead.  "Take it easy, your going to be sore for a while after" a voice said, as the hand continued. I didn't know who was talking, but it was a soft, deep voice that spoke in a whisper.  I moaned again as I finally spoke. "Su...baru" I said silently, as I tried to move.  My eyes widened when I realized that I couldn't move at all.  I pulled and pulled, but something was keeping me down. It was like a little strap, that connected past the table I was lying on.  My vision became more clear, as I saw Kou, sitting right in front of me.  I gasped in fear, as he smiled a warm welcomming smile.  "Good morning trouble" he said with a welcoming and creepy smile on his face. I sat there confused and shocked in fear, as I studied him.  I watched his eyes, as I stared in confusion.  I found out that one was red, the one that his hair covered.  He pulled it back for a second to rub the side of his head, and that's where I saw it. My eyes widened in fear as I found myself staring at it.  I continued to watch him, as I felt a hand brush against my ankle.  It pressed two fingers on a vein in the back, as it sat there for a moment.  Within that moment, everything fell silent, and here I was, strapped down and staring at Kou's red eye.  "Are you talking more blood?" a deep voice asked, as the sound of wheels from a desk chair, moved across the tile. The room fell silent as Ruki spoke. "I don't know if I need her blood or not.  I tested that last time" he said, to whoever he was talking to.

I sat there, silently staring at Kou some more.  The sounding of the chair moved again, as someone picked up something from what sounded like a metal tray, that sat at my feet.  The sound of a lid, twisted following by a pop.  It wasn't a loud pop, but it did sound like a container of some sort. "What is he up to?" I got myself to think as I continued to figure out what. I heard some movements at my feet as Ruki huffed.  "Yuma, can you move up her pant leg and take her sock off?" his voice asked one of the other people in the room.  I felt a pair of hands, undo one of the straps at my feet, as they lifted my leg up, and moved my pant leg up from my ankle.  I wanted to kick at whoever was at my feet, but I couldn't find the strength to do it. I felt like I couldn't move anything.  It was almost like I was awake inside a sleeping body, paralyzed at a restful peace.  The person placed my ankle back on the table, as the strap was placed back on it.  I decided to kick with that leg, but it wouldn't lift anything over an inch from the table.  Kou started rubbing my head, as he spoke. "Calm down Sam. Your going to be fine.  Just relax" he said, as he watched my facial expressions.  I heard a squishing sound of something gooey as something hit metal.  Shortly after, a cold hand was placed on my ankle, as a cold gel followed behind it.  It felt very gooey and sticky, as it was rubbed all over that side of the ankle.

I tried to yank my ankle away, but whatever was rubbed on it, made it feel numb, like I've been sitting on it and just got off it.  I huffed as I went to sit up, but Kou pushed me back down.  "Hold still,  you don't want another one of those needles in you" he said, with a creepy smile growing on his face.  My eyes widened when he mentioned the needle.  "No not another one" I thought to myself.  I felt like there was nothing I could do at this moment.  I sighed a few times, as I felt a little bit of my stress increase.  I heard the sound of clanking as the wheel sound moved away from the bed.  When they came back, I heard clanking metal, as what felt like a plastic tube, crossed my ankle.  A little wet cloth and then a pinch, that made me wince I pain.  I closed my eyes, as I let out a little scream, but it didn't seem to bother any of the people with me.  I took deep inhales as I continued to breath in a panic.  "What are they doing to me?" I thought to myself as I opened my eyes.  I heard Ruki take a deep breath as the wheels moved farther away from me.  Farther across the room.

The sound of typing entered the room, followed by a little beep.  After that, came the feeling of my blood rushing out of my body, making myself weaken by the minute. The sounds of wheels entered the room, as Ruki spoke.  "Does she have them?" Ruki's voice asked, as it fell silent again.  Yuma leaned foreword as his hand reached down for my mouth.  I pulled back, not wanting to give in to what he wanted to do.  I closed my eyes, as his hand was placed on my head, and his thumb moved my upper lip up.  "Yes, but they look like it's still in the process" he said, as his hand was lifted from my head, and I was allowed to look up again.  I heard Ruki sigh in confusion, as his chair moved. "Maybe she's slowly turning" he said as the sounds of typing entered the room.  I continued to feel the blood rush out of me, which made me nauseous.  I closed my eyes, as my head started to spin. It also started to pound a bit.  

I opened my eyes, seeing the room starting to fade in and out around me. I continued feeling stiff through the whole thing.  I saw Kou look at me, as he started to fade in and out.  He didn't look happy at all. He looked more worried then anything.  "Uh, Ruki" he said, as he continued to study me. I heard moving on the other side of the room, while the clicking sound stopped. "How's she doing?" Ruki's voice asked.  "I think she's passing out" Kou said, as both him, and now Yuma were studying me.  I closed my eyes, to ease the dizziness but it didn't help.  I placed my cheek on the bed, as I closed my eyes, and surrendered to the tiredness that welcomed itself into my head.

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