Part 9

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I was lying on my bed in thought about the letter, about how my dad was going to give me to that place for research. Did he even care that it was controlled by vampires? That I would be pretty much dissected for the research?  I rolled in my bed as I sat there to listen for anything, footsteps or voices outside. Nothing outside made a sound, the streets were dead silent. No cars, no voices roamed the streets.  I rolled to face the window, seeing the moonlight shine through the curtain that was now shut.  It glowed as shadowy bands covered the carpet in the room. I sat there in silence, even the house was a dead silent.  I tried hearing for Yui doing something, but even that couldn't be heard.  "Is Yui even still in the house?" I thought to myself, as I got out of bed, and walked over to the door.  I went to grab the handle, when I heard quick movement in the living room.  The movement didn't sound like a human could make it, but the question was who could make it? Has one of the vampires from the hospital found us yet?  I grabbed the knife that I carried with me, ever since we came home, and I entered the hallway.

I slowly made my way to the living room, gripping the knife as I heard the couch shift dramatically.  I picked the knife up, as I slowly peeked into the living room, seeing Yui sitting straight up, looking out the window in fear.  She didn't move, didn't make a sound.  She just sat there, her body was leaning on her arms, as she stared out the window.  "Yui, you ok?" I asked her, but nothing changed.  It was like Yui froze with fear of whatever was through the window.  I went to speak again, but I was interrupted by a knock at the door.  I jolted as I looked at the door, hearing wheels of some sort at the door. My eyes widened when I heard a familiar voice.  "I can see you girls through the window. Be smart and open the door" a flirty tone muffled through the locked door.  My eyes gasped as I figured out who it was. Yui shifted a glare towards me, watching me like she was waiting for instruction.   I heard a few knocks again, before the voice spoke again.  "Come on, you can't hide forever" it said, with now a creepy tone. I looked at Yui as I watched her.  Her red eyes glossed with tears, as they trickled down her cheek.  Her breath got heavier with a panic, as she sat there.

I gave her a nod as I spoke.  "It's going to be ok" I said, as I looked at the door.  "Come on girls,  I mean no harm.  Just come out for a talk" the voice spoke once more.  At this point, my anger was getting the best of me.  It was taking control to the point where I couldn't help it.  I took a stressful breath as I spoke with anger in my voice. "Yui, go in the bedroom, and lock the door until it's safe" I said, as I gripped the knife in my hand.  Yui gasped as she looked at me.  "What about you?  Your going to die if he comes in."  The comment made me crack a smile, as I chuckled.  I wasn't harmed by the comment in any way. It just made me want to fight even more. "He can't kill me even if he wanted to. Now, no more questions and lock yourself in your room. Grab something in there to fight with" I said, as she got up, and ran to her room.  I heard the door slam, as something was placed up against the handle. I waited a minute as the knocks came back onto the door.  "I mean no harm, just open the door and stop this little fight" the voice said again.

I smiled as I gripped the knife, and made my way towards the door.  I grabbed the handle as I opened it slowly, hiding myself quietly behind it.  I kept my hand on the handle, so it wouldn't shut.  Footsteps entered the room, as I saw the same vampire with the hat.  He walked into the room more as he looked around, and chuckled. "What a nice place you both have, but where would you two be hiding?" he said, as he started walking to the bedroom. I quietly shut the door, as I walked closer to him, preparing for a fight. Once I was closer to him, I lifted the knife and went to go stab him in the back.  Without thought, the vampire whipped around, knocked the knife out of my hand and chucked me across the room.  I tripped, slamming my back into the cabinet, as I dropped to the floor.  The dishes clanked as I fell, piercing my eardrums along with the pain that entered my side. I looked up, seeing the vampire clapping his hands.  "Awe, this is why we said you would be trouble" he said as he walked closer to me.  I lifted my upper body up, while my arms shook weakly.  I ended up clasping back on the floor.

The vamp chuckled as he knelt right next to me.  I started breathing heavily even more as a simple hand, brushed against my cheek and down to my neck, moving my hair back from it.  His hand was cold, and it froze up against the skin.  "Oh Sam, you're looking even more pale as before.  I guess it's taking over" he said with a slight chuckle.  I struggled to look at him, as I cracked a smile.  "You'll never find Yui,  and I won't tell you where she is" I said, proud of my reply.  The vampire sighed as he rubbed my head gently, while he reached behind him.  "Still worried about your sister, aren't you?" he said, as I heard metal clanking again.  I smiled when I saw that he had the needle, they used to put us asleep with.  I smiled as I gained strength, and knocked the needle across the room.  It crashed on the ground, shattering into pieces with the liquid oozing out onto the floor.

Quickly, I got up and swung at him, but he ended up grabbing my arm, and pushing me into the wall, keeping my hands against it.  I struggled under him, trying to fight back, but he was too strong. He chuckled as he stared at me.  "Oh, your still fighting it?  Do you want to give in yet?" he said, in the creepy voice again.  I didn't answer him, just continued to fight.  He smiled as he spoke.  "Let me ask you a different question, Sammy.  Do you want to live?" he asked as he brought one of his hands up to my neck.  I felt his grip, softly wrap around my neck, as I looked at him.  "Or do you want to die and have your body taken back for science" he said as he squeezed my neck.  I gasped for air, as I started to struggle against him, but it didn't work. He was too strong. I looked up at him, as his green eyes squinted, while he let out a chuckle. His grip tightened even more, as I felt the veins pulse in my neck.  I didn't bother moving my hands, it wouldn't help at this point.  I went to speak, but my head became fussy as I felt like passing out.  "I'll, I'll" I said as I completely passed out, and he let go.  The world started to swirl around me as he sat there, and spoke.  "It's ok if I can't find your sister.  At least we still have you" he said as I completely passed out, not knowing what will happen with either me or Yui.

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