Part 7

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I had this weird dream, that was so strange that it actually felt real.  I was back at the creepy hospital lying on an examining table, strapped down with tight bands around my arms and legs.  The collar was attached to a leash, that draped over the upper side of the bed.  The room was dark, except for a single head lamp that swung above the table. Shadows and voices whispered all around me, along with the clanking of metal tools, as they organized them.  I didn't see any faces because of the lighting. All I could see was dark figures moving all around me, and white hands, reaching into the light.  I tried to move out from the table, but nothing budge. I lifted up to try to free myself, but nothing worked.  The clanking of my collar filled my eardrums, making them ring louder every time. The voices started getting louder as people moved quickly around me.  "Hurry, before she dies" a deep voice said, as the figures went to work.

I felt a hand moved over my arm, as something wet brushed in little circles around the area. It felt small and wet, as it continued to motion in the spot.  Shortly after, the clanking of metal came again, as it moved closer to the moistened area.  "Hold still for me" another voice said, as the clanking started again, and a pinch entered my arm.  I winced in pain, as I started to gasp dramatically.  A cold hand was placed on my chest, as it kept me in place.  "Easy, stay calm for us" a third voice said, and kept shushing me.  A hand started brushing against my forehead, as it covered my eyes, the light barely shining through at this point. More pinches entered all over me, as the panic started to pick up.  "Faster, she's dying here" someone snapped, as more bands and needles went into place. The people around me worked rather quickly, as they kept stabbing me, and a lot more other things.  I felt that funny stuff entered my body, as I started going into a light sleep, but I was still awake to know what was happening.

Finally, one last pinch entered my chest, making me rise in pain.  That last one hurt the most out of all of them.  I started to gasp for air, as I felt pain shoot through my chest.  It felt like the needle stabbed my heart.  Something oozed down the parts where the needles were injected, as my body became weaker. My breathing started to get lighter.  I started gasping for air even more, as I lied there in pain. The thing around my eyes uncovered them, letting the light blind in my face, still making me not see anything.  I saw a shadowy figure reach over to my neck as it inhaled, and a final pinch entered my neck.  The liquid oozed down my neck, as the sound of gulping entered my ears. The figure lifted up from me, as the sound of a knife cutting skin entered the room.  Next thing I knew, a long skinny shadow inched forward, with red liquid, oozing down on my face.  The shadow pressed against my mouth, letting the liquid enter as it poured down my throat. "Sorry to force this on you, but you gotta accept it. Your not human, and you never will be" a voice said, as I finally bit into the skin, drinking the liquid as it flowed down my throat. I couldn't describe the taste of it, but it was so good that I couldn't stop.   Finally, I released what felt like something sharp in my mouth, as the arm lifted, blood dripped from it.

"There, that's a good girl" the deep voice said, as a hand was stroking my cheek, gently.  Strangely, that drink tasted good to me, and I was starting to crave it more.  The bands were undone, as I continued to lie there, in a pool of the person's blood.  I licked the extra blood off my cheek, as I started to get more thirsty.  "Do you need more?" the person said, as I heard a muffled scream off in the distance.  Footsteps stomped loudly, as it came closer to me. The straps were undone, as the light was taken from my view.  Struggling feet continued as a hand was placed under my chest, and pulled me to a sitting position.  I looked in the direction of the muffled screams, as one of the men surrounded me pulled Yui towards me.  She was struggling against the person,  pulling from them, but not getting anywhere.  Her hands were tied behind her back and something was put in her mouth, to keeping her from screaming.  She struggled against the person, but not going anywhere except closer.  My eyes bulged out of my head, as I watched in fear. 

The man that held Yui, pulled out some type of blade as he sliced Yui's neck, letting a blackish red line across her neck, by her collar bone.  The red liquid oozed from the line, as it dripped onto her white gown.  "Enjoy, take as much as you need" the deep voice said, as Yui was pushed into me, dripping blood onto my pants.  Yui looked up at me in fear, trying to struggle from me.  I grabbed her as I held her close, still watching the line bleed.  I eyeballed it, as I stated to feel thirsty.  It was like I haven't had water in forever, and I could finally have some.  I licked my bottom lip as I sat in front of Yui.  She screamed another muffled scream, as I pulled her closer, and leaned to lick the line.  Her blood tasted good, tasted refreshing.  I started licking it off her shoulder, as she flinched in fear.  She kept taking deep, panic like breaths as she sat there, still for me to take her blood.  I felt a tear drip down my cheek, as I continued to lick her wound.  "I'm sorry, Yui" I said as I finally, bit into her skin, drinking her blood.   She flinched again, as she started to gasp for air.  Her blood was sweet and warm, like they just gave me my favorite tea flavor.  I continued to drink, as I felt her become weaker.  She was dying, and I was the one killing her.  I felt her body limp as I stopped and sat up.  Yui's body collapsed to the floor, as she lied there dead.  My eyes widened as I thought to myself.  "I just killed my own sister." 

The man next to me, patted my shoulder as a rag was handed to me.  "Feeling better?" the voice asked, as I took the rag from him.  I whipped the blood from my mouth, as I started feeling stronger.  I stood up, as I licked the last drop of blood, from my fangs.  I sat there crying, as I looked at Yui's blood covered body.  I put a hand over my mouth as I continued to cry deeply.  A hand was placed on my shoulder, as the voice spoke to me once more.  "You had to do it. You have to survive now" it said, as the whole scene went black, as I started to wake up,

The Dark Clinic (A Diabolik Lovers Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें