Part 15

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I awoke in a different looking room. It was a small bedroom type room, with a hospital bed, a monitor next to it, and a widow that was cracked open. A slight cool breeze, brushed into the room and across my face, making me feel cooler than the temperature in the room. I looked at the monitor, as I heard beeping above me. It showed a screen that had my heart rate on it, while the screen beep a low, silent beep. A cold, metal band was wrapped around my wrist, weighting my hand down. The room was dark, with a dim lighting from the monitor. It was also silent, to the point where it started to get creepy. I heard movements against the wall, as the sound of a key unlocking the door, muffled from the outside. The door opened, revealing another man I didn't meet. This man was probably taller than Ruki and Kou. He had long brown hair, that was kept tied back out of his face. He looked strong, so I couldn't fight him, even if I had the strength to. He had dark brown eyes, that was a bit haunting, when he looked my way. He watched me with a bored look on his face. I got a little scared when I saw him, wondering why he was here.

The man walked into the room in silence and shut the door. He sighed deeply as he walked up to the bed. "Hey" he said, with a deep booming voice, which gave me the creeps. "Who was he, and what was he here to do?" I thought to myself, as I watched him. He stood above me, leaning on the railing by my head. His eyes targeted mine, studying them with a undescribable expression. It wasn't hate or fear, it was more like boredom and frustration. He leaned against the railing, as I continued to watch him in silence. "How you feeling?" he asked. I didn't reply, confused by the whole situation. Waking up in a strange room, and now a strange man by the bed. I studied the man now in fear, as I gasped, realizing who he was. "Your one of the men in the room with us" I said, more to myself then to him. He smiled, as he shifted in his stance. "The name's Yuma Mukami. I'm one of the surgeons, but I'm also certified as a nurse as well" he said, as he stood in confidence. I squinted as I tried to take all the new information in. He studied me as he smiled, leading a slight chuckle. "You look so lost" he said, as he walked up to the monitors and started messing with them.

I watched him in silence, not knowing what to say. "Sam, is it?" Yuma asked, as he continued doing what he was doing. "What happend?" I finally broke out with. He sighed, as he turned back to me. "We took some blood, but it looked like we took too much. You lost consciousness halfway through, then we moved you in here to get rest." I lied my head back on my bed, trying to keep the pain from comming back. I thought of Reiji again, as I lifted my head slowly. The fear of him being angry scared me a bit. "Um, does Reiji know I'm here?" I asked, as I looked back at him. Yuma didn't speak at first, just chuckled while showing a little smirk. "No they don't. They can't figure out your here" he said, with a creepy tone in his voice. I lifted slowly into a sitting position, feeling fine now. I thought about what he said, and what Kou said when he brought me here. "But Kou, he said I would be back" I said, but he lifted his hand to cut me off. "That would be a problem. Your turning into a vampire, and if they don't want any problems, you have to stay in the lab." I looked down, I thought about one of them finding out. "But, someone has to let them know somehow. To make sure i'm all set" I said, again looking up at him. Yuma huffed in frustration. "Look, Ruki is taking care of it. What we need you to do is stay here with us at this point on."

I gasped, getting a little afraid of what he was telling me. I started to get off the bed, feeling better as I started for the door. Yuma huffed, which made me stop. "Where you going?" he asked, still doing what he was doing with the screen. I looked back at him in shock. "Someone has to let them know. I'm feeling better, so I will be taking off to my original room" I said, as I started walking towards the door. Before I could think, Yuma whipped around, grabbed my wrist and slammed me to the bed. "I told you to stay here. Your staying here whether someone knows or not. Now, do I have to get something to hold you down?" he asked, with anger growing in his voice. I stared at him in shock and fear, as I gulped. "No, I'll stay" I said, as I lied back on the bed. He stood back up, giving me an angry look as he went back to his work. I felt fear rush through me, as I felt like running away, but that wouldn't be the smartest thing. I rested my head against the pillow, as I studied the ceiling above me, still feeling fear rush into me.

"Alright" he said with a sigh, as he walked to the bed. I jumped as he grabbed my wrist, feeling my pulse. I started to panic a bit, as I looked at him slowly. He huffed as he put my wrist down, and started typing on the screen again. "Will you calm down? Your going to be fine" he said, not taking a glare off the screen. I looked at him still afraid of what he was going to do, as I just rested on the bed. I closed my eyes, as I tried calming myself down, relaxing the fear that continued to grow. I tried focusing on my breath, which took my mind off the whole situation. I took a deep inhale, as I slowly exhaled, taking my stress along with it. The only sounds in the room, was my breath and the clicking of the computer. The clicking stopped as he cleared his voice. "Alright, I'm need you to open your eyes for this next part" he said, as the sound of water filled the room. I looked up at him, seeing a little container with red liquid in it. It looked like blood by I didn't know if was really blood. I didn't have enough to know whether it was or not.

He swished the liquid around as he looked into my eyes, while I just watched it. "That's strange. Alright" he said as he opened the container. Immediately, the smell of blood filled my nose, making me thirsty. The feeling of needing water started up again, as I just stared at the container. Yuma smiled with a confused look in his eyes. "Weird. Alright, please drink this for me" he said, as he gave me the container and went to typing on the computer. I took a sip, tasting the iron of the blood, as it slipped down my throat. I pulled the container away from my lips, as I licked the extra blood that fell from my bottom lip. Yuma smiled as he stopped typing and pulled up his sleeve. "Alright, take a little taste of my arm" he said, as he brought his arm closer to me. I looked up at him in confusion, but leaned in to do what he said. "After, take a little blood out of it" he said, as I licked the flesh. I could sense his blood running through him. I smiled as I went to a take a bite, as the memory of Yui came into my mind.

"I can't" I said, as I lifted backup to look at him. His eyebrows raised with a shocked look. "Why can't you?" he asked, as he continued to look at me. I met his eyes, as I huffed. "I killed my own sister by taking her blood. I can't" I said, getting a little frustrated with him. He looked at me with a frustrated look again. He huffed as he backed up and went to a draw near him, pulling out a knife. He brought his arm closer to me, as he made a slit in his arm, letting the blood drip down his arm. I looked at it in confusion, as I looked up. "Are you kidding me?" I said in frustration. Yuma smiled again, as he sat there in patience. "Anytime now" he said, as he brought the bleeding cut up closer. I looked up at him, as I backed up. "I'll never take blood from a human. It's weird that your making me" I said, discussed by the situation. "So, you won't take any? Not even a lick?" he asked, coming closer to me.

I backed up as I tried to think fast. "I don't want to take blood from another human. I'm not ready yet" I said, feeling a panic growing within me. "Oh, that's too bad" he said, as he turned the cut upside down, letting the blood pour onto the floor. My eyes widened, as I moved around more towards the door. He continued to follow me, still letting his arm bleed. Everything was happening too fast, I had to react quickly. I looked around, seeing a box with one of those needles, that they used to put me out with. I grabbed it, as I slipped my thumb on the trigger. As he case closer, I jabbed it into his bleeding wound, as I pressed the lever down, ejecting it into his body. I looked at him, seeing him with a surprised look on his face. "Your smarter than I thought" he said, as he crashed on the floor and fell asleep. I looked at him in panic, as I grabbed the paring knife, and opened the door. "Now to go find Reiji or Subaru" I said, as I completely left, and walked down the hall, the knife at the ready.

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