Part 16

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I walked rather quickly down the hallway, the syringe at the ready.  I kept looking back for anything suspicious, making sure one of the surgeons were not following me.  I gripped the syringe tightly, trying not to break it into my hand.  The sense of fear grew within me, as I turned down a hall, and continued to look around.  I didn't exactly know what I was looking for right now, I just needed to get away from this part of the hospital and fast.  The lab and the surgeons were giving me the creeps, and I didn't feel safe here.  I needed to go back to Reiji or Subaru, even if I had to find Ayato, it would be helpful at this point.  I looked once more as I bumped into a person.  I lifted the syringe as I looked to see who it was.  It was a boy, clenching a teddy bear in his arms.  He had purple eyes, and purple hair that hung in his face.  He wore a uniform of some sort, but I couldn't describe it.  The teddy bear looked familiar.  A cut off ear, a eye missing and a pink vest over the bear's chest.  The boy looked frustrated, but I didn't know why.

"Sam, I thought you were told not to leave your room?" he asked, sounding more worried then frustrated.  I looked at him confused, as my eyes widened and I looked back.  I clenched the syringe as my breath began to grow heavy, and I started to panic.  "Sorry, I was taken" I said, starting to panic.  The boy looked over, looking in the same direction as I did.  Yuma showed up behind me, still angry about something.  "I thought we told you to relax" he said, as he started walking up to us.  My eyes widened, as I turned around and started to back up, clenching the syringe in my hand.  "You're going back, and staying in that" he said, as the boy got in between us.  "Settle down Yuma.  She's not supposed to be with you in the first place.  We told you we'll handle the situation" he said, sounding angry with him.  Yuma looked down at the boy, as he sighed.  He looked like he was going to fight the boy, but he huffed and turned around to walk away.  "Don't touch out patents without our permission.  We will do something worse next time" the boy said as Yuma finished walking out of our hall.  The purple haired boy huffed as he turned back to me, giving me a comforting tone of voice again.  "Sorry for the trouble Sam.  Shall we go back?" he asked, as he started walking back the way I was running.

We walked out of the section as we continued walking into a brightly lit hallway.  That made me know that it was the original section of the hospital, where I was with Reiji and Subaru. It was also less creepy  I looked at the boy, watching him in silence. "Um, thanks for saving me back there" I finally spoke with.  Strangely, I didn't feel scared with the kid at all.  He smiled as he clenched the bear. "Your welcome.  Teddy felt something was wrong, right Teddy?" he said, clenching the bear tighter in his arms.  I found it a little weird, but I didn't say anything about it.  He just saved my life, I didn't want to get him angry.  I sighed as I thought to myself.  I've seen him before, but who was he.  "Um, I'm not trying to be rude. But I met you before, and I never got your name" I said, hoping I wasn't getting him angry. The boy looked over his shoulder at me, as he smiled. "My name is Kanato.  And this is teddy" he said, referring to the bear in his arms.  I smiled as I nodded, while we continued to walk down the hall.

It was silent for a while, as I followed him to a elevator.  He pressed the button to make the door open, then waved me in.  I enture with him following me, and we went to the lower level.  We stood there in silence, patiently waiting for it to open again.  "I'm sorry for the loss of your sister" he broke the silence with.   I shifted to look at him, as I looked down in sadness. "Thanks.  It's been hard, but I'll be fine" I said, trying not to make it look like I was hurt more.  Kanato cracked a smile, as he sighed.  "I bet, Yui said you were close to her."  I sighed as I felt the sadness grow within me.  I lowered my head a bit as I spoke.  "I was.  We used to go ice skating all the time. She was really good at it" I said, feeling a little better about it.  Kanato smiled as he nodded.  "It's great that you have wonderful memories with her.  Not to mention the stuffed cat in your room" he said, making me think.  "Oh that's Pancake. It was a stuffed animal that I gave Yui when she was little.  I kept it to have something that reminded me of her" I explained, as I thought of the cat.   Kanato smiled as he looked down at teddy.  "So, the cat's special, like Teddy is to me.  Right Teddy?" he asked the bear again.  I nodded as I watched him study the bear.  It started making me have flashbacks of Yui and her cat.  Quickly I looked back up, trying not to cry.

"Something wrong Sam?" he asked, giving me his attention.  I shook my head, as I sighed.  "No, just having memories of the past. I started getting them when Yui died" I said, as I lowered my head. He watched me as he looked at the door. "Yeah, they hurt a lot" he said, like he understood where I came from.  "I have memories when my brother's and I were younger.  We used to get along with our parents, but we don't anymore."  I looked over at him, as I sighed.  "At least you had parents that cared" I said, with a depressing tone of voice.  Kanato smirked as he spoke, with anger growing in his voice. "My mother didn't care about us.  She's not a nice lady." I looked at him, with a question running through my head.  "If you don't mind me asking, who's your mother?" I asked, taking a chance that he might kill me. Kanato sighed as he spoke after a moment of silence.  "The woman at the front desk when you came here.  The one with the purple hair. Know who I'm talking about?" he asked, glaring at me.  I stood against the elevator thinking. "The one in the blue dress, green eyes?"  Kanato sighed as he spoke.  "Yeah.  That's my mom. I don't like to talk about her at all."  I felt the feeling that he was mad.  "Sorry" I said, trying to calm everything down.    Kanato huffed as he spoke.  "That's ok, seeing how you didn't know about it" he said, as a ding entered the elevator as the door opened. We walked in, as the door shut, and he pressed the button to go down.

I turned around, as I leaned up against the back wall.  I stayed quiet, as I felt the metal floor jerk, and we started going down.  I started feeling weirded out by the whole thing, as I thought to myself.  "Where was he talking me? Are we going back to the same room?"  Kanato sighed as he spoke.  "Before you ask me about where we going.  I'm taking you to a different room.  Don't worry, we moved your stuffed cat there all ready."  I cleared my voice as I spoke.  "Why are we going to a different room? Is it a regular room like the one I was in?" I asked, starting the many questions in my head.  Kanato sat there, looking like he was thinking.  "Kinda.  It's attached to the lab that we all use.  Reiji will explain more about how we're going to run things" he said as the elevator rang, and we walked out into the hallway.  We walked down the hallway in silence, as we headed towards the room.

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