Part 5

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I awoke a few hours later after I completely passed out from last time.  I looked around the room, seeing the same views, and the same tools that sat on the wall.  Surprisingly, I wasn't strapped to the bed anymore, and no one else was in the room, not even Subaru.  "I thought Subaru had to stay with me?" I thought to myself, as I completely sat on the bed.  I didn't have a headache or any pain, which was good for my situation.  I looked over at the door, seeing it wide open, showing the dim hallway that shot left and right.  I got confused about it even more.  "Why would they keep the door open, and leave me by myself?  Are they testing me at all?" I thought to myself, as I took a deep stretch.  I felt all my muscles pulling in my arms and legs, making me feel even better than before.

I inched forward until my legs dangled off the bed.  I seen that I didn't have any socks or shoes on, which was strange.  Even though it struck my confusion, I didn't worry about that at the moment.  "Yui.  Got to save Yui" I kept saying in my mind, as I looked at the cupboards.  On the counter was a little paring knife, properly clean and just lying on top. I quickly grabbed the knife, and hid it in my sleeve, just in case I got caught.  This is my chance to save Yui, whether I died or not.  Yui and I had to get back home, before anything worse happens.  I snuck to the corner of the room, as I knelt there, and peeked at the opening.  "Looks like I'm in the clear" I said to myself as I snuck closer to the doorway.  I peeked my head out, and looked up and down the hallway, seeing it all empty.  I creeped out of my room, keeping an eye out for any of the vampires, hoping that none would show up. 

I walked to the left, seeing another hallway at the end of this one, going left and right.  Quickly, I ran to the corner, and hung closely to it, pressing my back against the wall.  Slowly, and silently, I peeked my head out, seeing both sides empty.  "Wow, not locked and not a vamp in sight" I said, as I started to creep out of the hallway, keeping an eye out. I decided that the best way was right.  I didn't know why, but I had that feeling. I creeped down this hallway, keeping up against the wall. I silently inched my way down, clenching onto the paring knife.  "This place is so big, I wonder where Yui's room is" I thought to myself, as I got to a vending machine and a door.  The door had a window in it, showing some type of staircase.  I think it went down because I didn't see any going up.  I slowly reached for the handle as the nob began to turn, and it cracked open.  "Oh no" I whispered as I got between the vending machine and the wall. I lowered myself to hide better.

The door opened as two vamps came out.  One had blue hair that covered just his forehead.  It looked like he was wearing some type of suit, but I couldn't describe it.  He carried a little book in his hand by the looks of it.  The other was a little taller, and stronger.  He had brown hair that was pulled into a ponytail behind his head.  He looked a little stronger than the first, and a lot taller too. They were walking down the halls, with their backs towards me.  They stopped a little ways from me, as they continued talking. "So, your doing the surgery with the little piggy?" the one with the ponytail asked.  The one with the book nodded.  "Yeah, they want us to test her blood a bit. She might have a bit of vampire in her" he said, with a huff.

I sat back in thought of what they were talking about.  "Yui, having vampire DNA?  Is that even possible?" I asked myself, as I turned back into the conversation.  The ponytailed man huffed as he spoke again.  "Alright, so what about the troublemaker? Are we testing her two?"  The first man shook his head.  "No, Reiji's having too much problems with her.  He said it'll be a while before even he can do anything. Last thing I was told, ws that he was trying to get her to rest a while."  I watched as they continued walking down the hallway and the conversation went silent.  I sat back against the machine, as I thought about what they said.  The room fell silent, except for my thoughts, and my heartbeat.  "So Yui's actually in danger" I said to myself quietly, as my eyes widened.  "Got to find her, before something happens" I said as I pulled from the machine, and walked in the same direction as the two vampires.

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