Part 3

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I started to come out of it more, as I opened my eyes a bit.  The bright lighting entured my sight, blinding me for a moment, as I started to wake up more.  I tried to streatch but I felt something around my wrists, keeping them in place.  I looked around the room, seeing a whole different room, that was simular to Yui's.  I was lying in a bed, with white sheets over me, and a soft pillow that sat behind my head.  A small table sat next to my bed, holding a bowl of water and a rag was placed in it.  The water was mixed with the same red liquid, that was in the waiting room. I looked at the red liquid as it swurlled in the clear.  I was too tired to make out what it was.  I shifted my head, hearing a jingling sound close up.  That's when I noticed a tight band around my neck. I tried to pick my hands up but I couldn't  They were being held by some type of belt, that tightly wrapped around my wrists. I lifted my head up, as a pain grew against the front of my skull.  "Ahh" I yelled as I lied back on the bed, placing my head against the pillow again. A headache grew in the front part of my head, almost making me sick to my stomach.

I heard the door unlock as it opened, and a man walked into the room. He looked pale, just like the rest of the employees that I saw. He had pinkish white hair, and beating red eyes.  He wore a couple of bands around his neck that hung a little in front of his chest.  He looked angry for some reason, as he walked in and slammed the door shut. "Sam komori" the man said, as he entered the room.  I gulped at the sight of him, hopeing that he wasn't here to kill me. I moaned a bit, feeling a little tire and weak, from whatever Yui's nurse put into me. He walked up to my bed, and started feeling my forhead. His hands were cold, as they eventully moved to my cheek.  "Your a little warm.  How do you feel?" he asked me, as he stood there to watch.  I didn't speak, didn't know what to say  The tiredness was taking over and fast. He snickered a minute, but ended with a huff. "Looks like it's still in effect" he said, as the door opened again.

This time another man entured the room.  He had purple hair, that barely hung over his face.  He wore glasses that framed his beating red eyes.  Just like the man before him, he looked mad for some reason. Two little peaks hung from his mouth, even when he didn't speak.  He shut the door, as he cleared his voice and walked into the room. "She awake yet?" he asked the nurse, with a strong, booming voice.  His tone was very serious and not all that friendly, whch scared me even more. The nurse looked at me, as I just watched the two of them.  "She is, and moving a bit.  But I think she's still waking up from it" the nurse said, rubbing a hand over my forehead and cheek. The doctor walked up next to me, as he put a hand on my chest, and the other on my forehead.  He kept his hands in that position for a moment, as they finally came off.  "Hmm, she feels warm, which isn't normal" the doctor said, breaking the silence.

I looked up at the doctor more, as he smiled a bit, showing sharp fangs like the rest of them.  My eyes grew as I studied them.  "He has the fangs too.  He must also be a vampire" I thought to myself as I struggled to move, but couldn't. The belts kept my hand still in place.  I couldn't even turn my wrists. I continued to struggle as the nurse started rubbing my head.  "Calm down, your going to be fine" he said, trying to sooth me.  At ths point that couldn't work.  I needed to get out of here and see Yui.  We both had to leave this place, before somethng worse happens. "Let me go" I demanded, still strugging to get out of the straps. The doctor smiled as he spoke.  "We can't let you do that.  We sensed you being sick as well" he said, with a creepy tone to his voice.  I huffed as I looked at him, with anger.  "Let me guess, my blood" I said, as I struggled to get out.  I didn't move a bit.

The doctor sat there, as he watched me with anger in his eyes. I pulled and pulled, but it didn't work.  The tag on my collar jingled as I sat there, struggling to escape, but nothing happened. The nurse crossed his arms, as he looked at the doctor, impatient for something.  "I need to save Yui" I said to myself, as I tried to lift myself off the bed, but nothing happened. The doctor grumbled as he huffed. "There's nothing a mortal can do to save her.  Your sister belongs to her doctor now.  Just like you belong to me" he said, as he crossed his arms, and watched me.  I stopped struggling as I started to feel tired.  I lied my head on my pillow as I sighed.  I started to focus on my breath as I lied there, resting my head, as a slight pain entered, once again.  The doctor placed his hand on my forehead as he sighed.  "Looks like it's not calming her at all" he spoke, as he watched me. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. The urge to kill was there, but I couldn't free myself to follow through with it.

The nurse sneered before he spoke.  "She doesn't look too happy about this.  Should I get back up?" he asked.  The doctor shook his head. "No, I think we'll be fine. So far, she hasn't given that much as a hard time."  "Uh, Ayato had to pin her down just to put her asleep. I think that she's trouble all ready" the nurse replied with.  I stopped as I sighed, but didn't put my head down on the bed.  I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. I felt my anger rising, which wasn't going to be helpful at this point.  "Who are you, and what did you do to Yui?" I asked, as I looked at the doctor.  The nurse huffed, as he backed up and leaned against the wall. The doctor cleared his voice as he pushed up his glasses.  "My name is Reiji Sakamaki.  I'm going to be your doctor for now on" he said as he paused.  He pointed at the nurse, which was leaning against the wall at the opposite side of the room.  "This is Subaru.  He's your assigned nurse.  He's the one that will bring you your meals, and make sure your cared for during your time here."

I looked at Subaru as Reiji spoke, seeing him glaring at me, with his red eyes, staring at me.  He came closer and stood over the bed, with his arms crossed, as he studied me.  He looked strong and powerful, there was no way I could fight him if I wanted to escape.  I huffed as I dropped myself on the bed.  Once my head hit the pillow, a pain jolted through my skull like before. "Ahh" I said, as I whipped my head up.  I closed my eyes, feeling a strong headache forming in the back of my head. Reiji just watched me as Subaru started rubbing my head, where I hit it.  He wrapped a figure around the loop on the collar and pulled, lifting my head up a bit. He placed his other hand behind my head, as he rubbed it.  "Your such a rebellious one, aren't you" he said, keeping his voice low.  I sat there in pain, as I looked at him with hate still in my eyes.  "You'll never use me for science" I said, as I struggled again. I still wasn't going anywhere.

I felt tired again as I looked for another one of those needles. Not one was in sight, so what was making me tired? Was it the fact that I was wasting energy?  I closed my eyes as my head became heavy, and I lied it down on the pillow.  I looked at Subaru as he started rubbing my head once more.  "Get some rest, your wearing yourself out, which won't be good for our research" he said in a low voice, low enough that it didn't hurt. I started to catch my breath as I looked at him, with anger.  "What did you do to Yui?" I said, yelling the last few words, as I struggled again.

Subaru didn't speak, or do anything.  He just simply watched me struggle under the restraints.  He crossed his arms once more, as I continued.  Finally I gave up completely, as I lied there, gasping for air.  My chest hurt like I couldn't breath. I kept taking deep inhales and exhales, settling myself down. I closed my eyes, while another headache formed.  This one was a little worse than before.  My breath started to become more calm, as I took long deep breaths.  "So this is how your going to be? Your nothing like she is" Subaru said, as he snickered a bit. I opened my eyes, realizing that he was talking about Yui.  I took a huff, as I felt tired again. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't even do that.  "Get some rest.  We'll start when we feel like your healthy enough" he said, as he walked to the window, and sat on the sill.  I watched him as he looked out the window, then back at me.  "What are you looking at?" he asked in an angry tone.  I didn't say anything. I just shut my eyes and went back to sleep, before I got killed.

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