"Allow me," he reaches for Ali's coat and helps her out of it before hooking it on the coat rack and removing his own jacket.

The town house was large and grand inside. Before the war Ali might have thought this place to beautiful, but now there were reminders of the war all around her. The large airy white windows now had strips of tape fixed in crosses on both sides of the glass and on the inside, heavy wooden boards were fixed in place, limiting shattering glass should a bomb be dropped. Heavy curtains with black lining framed each window and were drawn each night to disguise the city lights from the enemy above. 

"Dinner is nearly ready for you both Dr Harrington," Mrs Moore announces before leaving the hallway.

"Thank you," James says politely.

"Shall we wait in the dining room?" He asks and Ali nods. She follows him into the dining room. Candles are lit on the table and the places are set as always. Ali sits across from James. A few minutes later, Mrs Moore and Catherine Epps the maid, serve their food. Tonight was chicken, potatoes and vegetables.

"You're quiet tonight," James comments as he takes a bite of his chicken.

Ali sips from her wine glass and looks over at him "I'm just tired," she says setting her glass down.

"Thinking about Jack?" James asks as he looks down to cut up his food.

"Partly," Ali admits "And other things," she says, her mind distant again.

"Are you still feeling unwell?" James looks up at her now "You know maybe you should see a doctor," he suggest, setting his cutlery down.

Ali chuckles then "Why would I go and see a doctor when I have one right in front of me," 

"You might not want me knowing your private business Ali," James says with an air of professionalism about him.

Ali waves her hands nonchalantly "Nonsense, it's probably nothing. Just a bit under the weather,"

"Are you sure, it's been a few weeks now," James eyes her worried.

Ali rolls her eyes and sets down her own cutlery "Fine, lets pretend I've come to see you. Pretend I'm your patient, what would you ask?" 

A playful smile tugs at James' lips and he sits back in his chair clasping his hands.

Ali stands, walks to the corner of the room and back to her seat again where she clears her throat.

"Dr Harrington," Ali says in a playful voice.

"Miss Dawes," James smiles and gestures to her chair where Ali takes a seat. "How may I help you today?" 

Ali makes a face and clutches her stomach "Well," she teases "I've been feeling nauseous and I keep getting pains in my stomach,"

"I see," James stands from his seat and walks slowly around the table. "Maybe it's wind," he eyes Ali from the corner of his eye and winks at her with a grin plastered on his face.

Ali's mouth drops open "How dare you sir, I'm a lady," she flutters her eyelashes and the two of them laugh loudly.

James coughs with laughter and then clears his throat "Hmm, not wind you say," He walks around the table slowly with his hands clasped behind his back.

Ali giggles "Definitely not," her bright eyes watch him moving as she holds her wine glass and takes another sip.

"Have you travelled abroad in the past few weeks Miss Dawes?" James asks.

Ali shakes her head "I'm afraid not," her smile is wide as she enjoys the game.

"I see," James shakes his head "And you've not eaten anything funny?" 

"Not unless you call rations funny," Ali jokes back. James laughs then too.

"Hmm well it's not food poisoning or a bug picked up whilst travelling and it's not wind-" he eyes her curiously.

"No!" Ali exclaims laughing.

"Just checking," James winks playfully. "Well then, if it's none of them. I have to ask Miss Dawes, are you pregnant by any chance?" 

As the words leave his lips they both burst out laughing. Ali throws her head back, still clutching the wine glass and James steadies himself, holding onto the back of one of the dining chairs. Tears of laughter pool in her eyes as she takes another sip of her wine. James' laughter rings in her ears, her own laughter subsides into chuckles and then slowly stops all together. Pregnant?  Ali chuckles once, an awkward sound as the glass rests on her lips. Her mind runs in circles trying to figure out the dates and suddenly there's the sound of smashing glass.

The wine glass had fell from her hand and had shattered into a hundred tiny pieces. The white wine pooled on the floor and Mrs Moore rushed in.

"I'll sort it," James holds his hand up  "Leave us please," he waves Mrs Moore out.

"Ali?" He hurries towards her concerned. She is on her hands and knees trying to gather up the fragmented glass.

"I'm sorry about the glass James, I'm so clumsy at times," her hands shake as she tries to scoop up the broken pieces.

"Ali," he says again as he crouches to her level, but she doesn't look up at him.

"Do you have a brush-"

"Fuck the glass!" James raises his voice and Ali jumps "What is going on?"

Ali looks up at him, her eyes wide. She had never heard him curse before. She blinks slowly and takes a deep breath. "I think I'm pregnant," 

James sits back heavily. His back resting against the back of a chair "Ali you have to-"

"Have sex? I'm not an idiot James," her words are harsh and James is surprised by her bluntness.

He nods slowly and then his eyes widen with realisation "Jack," he says unsure "It's Jack's," he sits forward, his voice more sure now.

Ali's face falls but she nods. Tears falls from her eyes as she watches James stand and pace up and down the room.

"Do you hate me?" Ali cries out.

James runs a hand through his hair and loosens the tie around his neck "No Ali I don't," 

"I hate me," she cries "I'm a tart, I'll bring shame to my family,"

James watches her on the floor.

"Ow," Ali lifts her hand and pulls a shard of glass from it. It's bleeding as she cradles it with her other hand.

James hurries over to her, he whips a napkin from the table and wraps it around Ali's hand. He holds her hand comfortingly "I don't hate you Ali," he says quietly.

Their eyes meet and tears run down Ali's cheeks "What am I going to do?" she sobs.

James swipes the wetness from her cheeks using the pad of his thumb "You need to tell him. He might still do the right thing," He stands and pulls Ali up with him.

Ali nods slowly "I'll leave tonight," she looks around the big room sadly.

James makes a face "Why on Earth would you leave? This is your home, no matter what," he smiles lightly at her.

"You're not ashamed to have me here?" Ali asks meekly.

"You could never shame me away Ali," James says touching a hand to her cheek "Now, lets go and see to this hand," 

He wraps his arm about her shoulder an the two of them leave the dining room.

A/N: Ooooh Jack what have you done? Thought on this chapter? Thank you for the 2k+ reads, so soo grateful! Love reading your comments. You guys are all great!! ✌️

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