"What the hell?" Jane yelled as she came out of the bathroom with Angela, only to see the two men fighting.

Bret put the man in a head lock and tried to calm him down. "Ok! You win, please let me go!" the intoxicated man hollered.

"Will you leave this bar?" Bret asked.

"Hell yeah, I'm not staying here!"

Deciding to release his grip, Bret turned to me and whispered, "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

Before I could answer, the man that was supposed to be leaving the bar turned around and punched Bret in the corner of his forehead. The man left when he saw Bret fall to the floor. I immediately got out of my seat and bent down, checking to make sure he was okay.

"Are you alright, sir?" Angela asked him.

I slowly helped him get back on his feet as he replied, "Ow, yeah I'm fine."

"Oh my God, your forehead," Jane pointed out.

When I looked at him, he had a small gash in the corner of his swollen forehead. I knew he needed stitches, so I decided to do them myself. "Let me help you," I said to him, sitting him down on the booth.

I turned to Jane and whispered, "I have to help him. I'm sorry."

She smirked as she replied, "No you're not."

Helping him up out of his seat, I walked Bret outside and to my car. On the ride home, he kept touching his wound. "You shouldn't mess with it. It could lead to infection," I told him.

"Sorry, it was just a reflex," he hesitantly spoke.

"You still shouldn't play with it."

"I've been through worse than this," he told me with slight anger in his tone.

We finally pulled up into my driveway as I helped him inside my house. He sat down on the bar stool of the island as I got my supplies. When I returned, I warned him that I do not have any anesthetics. I began the process.

He groaned, letting the pain out as I sewed the gash together. He closed his eyes at the pain he was experiencing, trying hard not to let me see. When I was finished stitching him up, I put the supplies down on the island and held his head in between my hands.

Gently, I rubbed my thumb against the side of his wound. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you for not taking me to the hospital- they're not exactly in my favor."

I smiled at him, "Oh, and why not? There would be a lot of nurses that would have their eye on you."

"Ha, yeah. But not any one of them would look like you," he replied.

His reply was extremely impressive. Our eyes were locked on each other after his response. He smiled at me which gave me that little butterfly feeling you get when you're twelve and your crush asks to borrow a pencil.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, I pulled his head towards mine before our lips intertwined. There was a feeling of electricity as we molded our lips together. I could feel the sparks run through my body as I climbed up and straddled his waist.

He pulled his lips away from mine and asked me in a whisper, "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm sure."

After hearing this, he began to kiss my neck. I'm a huge "neck person". Once you kiss my neck, I'm basically putty in your hands. He left little pecks along my ear and down to my chest. I stopped him when I untucked my blouse from my pants and lifted it above my head, throwing it on the floor beside us.

"Maura, are you positive that you want to do this now?" he asked me again.

"Uh huh- yes, positive," I replied as I grabbed the sides of his head, kissing him. There was something about the feeling I got when our lips made contact that I adored.

I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and began to lift it. When I lifted his shirt above his navel, he stopped me and pushed it back down. "Wha- what's the matter?" I asked him.

Breathing heavily, he answered, "I just...I don't want...I don't want to do it like this."

"Like what?" I asked, feeling as if I couldn't catch my breath.

"I would like to take you out first."

"Oh," I smiled as I continued, "...out where?"

"How about dinner, tomorrow night at eight, on me?" he offered.

"Sounds lovely. Where are we going?"

"It'll be a surprise," he said as he leaned forward and kissed me.

I kissed him in return before speaking, "I can't wait."

Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora