I strode into the elevator, what is it that could be wrong with him?

the elevator doors open and I literally flew out heading towards the room number that was already visible from were am standing.

"My God!"

"good day ma'am, I am Mr Klein."

"Nice to see you, Klein."

I noticed a nurse hovering around my Geraldine, he was on a drip, his eyes were closed.

my heart skipped when I saw the way he struggles to breathe.

"what is wrong with my baby"

I asked the Doctor who seems engrossed in taking a blood sample.

"Ma'am your son is suffering from food poisoning"

"Christ! is it serious?"

"Luckily he will survive the poison, although it has been in his system for a while now."

"can you dictate the cause of this poisoning?"

"you beat me on that as I am about asking you; does he eat out or in any case does he eat at the school cafeteria?"

I wouldn't know about this for I haven't been close to him lately...

from the side of my eyes, I could see the teacher who introduced himself as Mr.Klean shifts his weight a bit.

"He complained about the cafeteria food recently and I know my son don't like junk or eating out, it must be from the school."

"How sure are you about what you are saying?"

"He is my son, I can bet my life on that "

It was already 7:45 and Dine have not opened his eyes, I was very worried that the situation is more than what the Doctor has told me.

why would anyone want to poison my Dine?

someone who wants to get back at me and that am sure,

could it be Elise?

He has recently called with a threat, why didn't he come for me instead why my son?

I needed someone to talk to, I had no friends, I can't call Elise for I know he is behind this.

Danny must be somewhere in doing God knows what.

I dialled Eldorado's number, he didn't pick up the phone.

I was getting very emotional, I needed to talk to someone I have to if not I could breakdown in tears.

I turned towards the bed, Dine's body was covered in sweat, his temperature was rising really fast.

the Doctor had told me earlier on that this could be a result of the poisoning and the drug ministered to him.i couldn't stand the sight of seeing my baby suffer like this. whoever is behind this will surely pay.

I walked over the window, I need someone, Danny I need you.
I let the tears slowly fall from my eyes.

why is all this happening to me?

the tears rolled down voluntarily. I heard the door open, a nurse must have come to check on him.

I continued staring at the world outside the window, it was beautiful, I felt warm all of a sudden as my nostrils inhaled something different, the hairs at the nape of my neck were standing, I turned towards the door in a panic and I saw HIM.


I said almost in a whisper.


Almost as soon as he spoke he came to hug me.

"you need not cry babe, am here now."

I let myself cry into the crook of his neck, the comfort I have always needed, I held him tight scared that I would open my eyes and see that it was all in my head.

I needed this right now, i need him right now.

I could just get mad at him for what he did...or I could relish in the comfort this body offers.

He came when I needed him and right now that is all I need.

I can get MAD when am done crying.


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