Chapter 33: It All Burns Down

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It all burns down...

I am running down the hallway to his room in a complete panic. In any situation where my son is in danger, I always lose my sanity. He isn't responding to my desperate calls and I realized why when I opened his bedroom door. He was not in his bed. I checked his bathroom and closet but he is not in either place.

"Sebastian Michael!" I yelled in a shrill broken voice hurrying downstairs.

At times he watches telly when he can't sleep. He is not in the living room nor is he in kitchen making a midnight snack.

In my state of panic, I didn't see that the kitchen door is slightly open. I grabbed a knife from the drawer taking in deep breaths.

If the door is open it means someone is already inside my house or perhaps he has been and has taken Bas.

I stalked towards it weary of the danger that could lay ahead.

My heart is pounding very hard a d my eyes are wide with fear.

When I reached the door I quickly swung it open pointing my knife at nothing. There is nothing but the cold air of the night and darkness.

"Bas!" I whispered after gathering my courage. "Sweetie this isn't funny. Come here right now you're freaking me out!"

It wouldn't be the first time my son found playing hide and seek amusing when I didn't know we were even playing.

I took a few more steps away from the door venturing into the darkness in my short silk nightgown. I walked to the oak tree where I had seen the stranger. Glancing back, there is a clear view of my bedroom window. A cold chill rushed through me just thinking that someone has been watching me all along and I never even knew it.

I kept walking, getting closer to the tree that has a trunk wide enough for someone to hide and not to be seen.

The knife is still steady in my hands pointed towards any danger I will face. "Sebastian, sweetie? If you're hiding, come out. You win. You win sweet boy. Come on out."

"I doubt he knows how to hide like you my rose."

I wanted to turn but he gripped my mouth to keep me from screaming. He used his free hand to snatch the knife out of my hand.

"Stay very still." He whispered running the sharp edge of the knife against my cheek. "So very beautiful, so alive, so fair. My beautiful Naila, I've missed you."

"Stefan, where is Sebastian?" I asked shaking violently when he gently released my mouth.

He kissed my cheek turning me to face him. He looks tired and worn out. Two years without me has aged him.

"He's safe. We will do this just like old times. But today I want something different. I want to give you a chance to run. If I catch you, I keep you. If you get away. I leave you alone." He lowered the knife smiling ruefully. "Fair game." He released me giving me a slight push forward. "Run Mrs. Romanov, run." He spoke calmly.

"No. I'm not running. Do your worst."

"I hate it when you disobey me. Like I said, we will do things differently this time." He sighed taking the knife and driving it through the side of my stomach. It was a sharp surging pain that left me shocked. I can't believe he has stabbed me. My eyes grew wide and I gripped his shoulders for some support opening my mouth to speak but I can't bring myself to say a word. "You hurt me. You hurt me very much." He pulled me close driving the knife deeper into me. "I mourned your death Naila. I was devastated only to find out you fooled me. Why would you do that my rose, why?" I can't speak.
"I don't want to kill you, at least not yet." He pulled the knife out and I immediately fell to my knees. "I want you to suffer first."

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum