Chapter 20: Trust me*

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"Cake." Bas whined. "Cake!"

He is becoming a brat and it's hard to ignore.

"You just had cake." I turned him down making him frown.

"Cake! Cake! Cake!" He stomped his little feet. He thinks he's causing some sort of an earthquake that will end the world but his little tantrums do not scare me.

I ignored him.

When he realized he wouldn't win he started throwing his toys at me. Most aims were a miss until he hit me on the head as I bent to pick them up. The temper is definitely mine. "Bas stop it!" I reprimanded him. "Stop it!"

He threw a toy car at me hitting me smack on the face. The violence is totally me as well.

"That's enough." Stefan warned him without having to raise his voice. "It's rude to throw things at your mother."

I expected him to throw a fit but he didn't.

"Cake." He spoke in a lower tone.

Stefan stared at me, waiting to get some directive. I am not sure whether depriving him is a good idea given I want to be his best friend but if he has more cake, I will have to chase him down all day. Sensing my lack of a directive, he pulled the little boy closer.

"No more cake. Go play with Eva I want to talk to mommy."

He ran off, meeting his governess half way through the room. I am jealous over how well he gets along with Eva. She is like a mother to him. I'm more of a stranger to him. "This is your fault. My own son doesn't know me because you separated us! You did this!" It is my turn to throw a tantrum.

"Let's not go there." I dragged my hand through my hair. "I would rather be the one he hates for saying no, not you. I'm sorry things are like this." Stefan has moments when he is nice. If we were not in our current predicament, I may have possibly liked him.
"Did you find my thief?" He asked.

"I'm still talking to the servants. Give me some more time." I scooped some cake and brought it to his mouth.

He ate and savoured it for a few minutes. "It's sweet. No wonder Bas was throwing a tantrum. But I don't think he should be having a rum cake."

"No he shouldn't. Anyway, it's the first successful one from five others." I flaunted the master piece after five epic fails. Baking the cake in six attempts had given me a chance to talk to the maids at a personal level. Merideth was there and she played her role very well. She didn't pay me any unnecessary attention after the little talk we had but she occassionally makes me feel like I wasn't alone in the world.

Stefan suddenly gripped his stomach bending slightly. He frowned holding out his hand towards me. "Help me, something is wrong. I think its poisoned."

I reached out to hold him wondering what to do.

"No it's not!" I shrieked. "Bas and I just ate it! I'll call Viktor and he'll get an ambulance... you'll be fine I promise."

He gazed up at me a wry smile on his face right before he stood up straight and started laughing. "You should have seen your face. It's priceless."

I din't find any humor in his pretence at first but then he has such an infecious laugh that I couldn't hold back anymore. I burst out laughing just as hard.

"Don't ever do that again!" I gave him a light shove.

He stopped laughing, holding me close to him with his hands on my waist. He stopped smiling all together, growing a little serious. "You do care about me after all."

That was a test he has given me. I am not proud of passing it because it means he is growing on me. I should be hating him for threatening to take away my son.

"Of course I care about you. I love you." I cupped his face in my arms.

"I thought you were lying about that just so that you can get to have Bas here at the mansion. I didn't know you actually meant it."

If he believes me, then I am playing my cards right. That is the aim, that he believes me, that he trusts me. It is the only way out but then again, consequences will follow if he finds out I am lying.

"I will never do that to you. Not when you have been so good to me."

We sealed it with a kiss... a long intimate kiss that sold my lie further. For the first time I decided to take the next step and initiate intimacy. Usually he is the one who demands it. I really need to sway him my way. I started unbuttoning his shirt while still kissing him. He allowed me to uzip his pants and bit by bit we got naked and ended up on the bed with me on top.

I tied his wrists together binding him to the head board.

"What are you doing my sexy rose?" He breathed roughly his eyes dark with want.

I silenced him with an aggressive kiss taking all I wanted to my satisfaction.

He wanted to protest, being the one at the bottom but once I guided him into me he became silent. I gave him the very best I could give, pleasing myself as well. This lie is epic and it has to be sold just as well. I moved up and down front and back holding onto the head board and moaning his name occasionally just to excite him. He is loving it and so am I but for me, it was just sex. For him it is his everything. A false facade of love and forever is what I am selling to him and Stefan is buying in great detail.

I brought his hands to cup both my breasts bending low just so that he could taste them only to withdraw to tease him. I felt close to my release when I started bobbing up and down rocking him until he was groaning uncontrollably.

In a matter of seconds I came.

In my euphoric state I failed to notice Stefan has freed himself and in a split second I was the one beneath him. He didn't waste a second filling me and clasping my wrists as he took my lips hostage to his onslaught.

I have to give him credit for knowing what made me tick.

It didn't take long before I came for the second time just before he followed with a deep groan.

His blue eyes softened just enough to melt me. I brought my hands to cup his handsome face.

"You made my morning my love." He said. "I want to reward you."

He gently got off me sitting up on the other side of the bed. A big smile filled my face knowing I am slowly winning him over.

"Are you buying me a car?" I chuckled pulling the sheets closer to my body.

"Do you want a car?" He faced me with a warm smile. "If so consider it done."

"And you'll let me drive it?"

"Sure." He is wearing his clothes. "Around the estate." He laughed adorably and that statement brought me to my agenda.


"Yes my rose."

"Why won't you let me leave the estate occassionlly? I would like to go shopping, eat out or something other than the usual. I miss that."

His face grew sombre.

"I want to buy you anything you want, anything but if that's how you feel, I think I can allow you to. But you'll be accompanied by Viktor at all times. Bas can never come with you."

I quickly hugged him thrilled for the gesture of trust. I didn't expect him to allow me to leave with Bas so that part isn't really disappointing.

"My love, I'm trusting you. Don't break my trust, please. I don't want to be in a position where I have to hurt you. Please my love, don't break my trust." He pleaded.

"I won't." I lied.

I will soon and then I'll see the monster he truly is.

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu