Chapter 21: Making Deals

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My first day out in sixteen months. I feel like a prisoner who has been released from death row. My excitement is over the moon. I feel like I am seeing the world for the first time. Watching the simplest things like seeing people who don't live at the mansion pleases me. I am like a bloody tourist. The smile on my face is priceless. The absence of walls and gates makes my day even better.

I may have sacrificed my dignity, my pride and all I have just to get Stefan to a point where he trusts me but the perks is the little freedom he has given me. With his black card in hand I intend to shop like crazy. Viktor noticed my endless enthusiasm and smiled at me.

"You look like a little girl who just got candy."

"I know!" I agreed. "I'm so excited!"

"Just remember, no phones. I have to be within a foot of you at all times and I have to keep the boss updated. He's on edge over you leaving the mansion."

Stefan walked me to the car when I was leaving and stared at me like I am going to the moon and never coming back. Letting go of my hand was a struggle and he seemed torn over letting me leave. I kept my assuring him I would return soon enough but for a man as obsessed as he is, it was hard for him to believe I am coming back. I even told him that he could hold Bas hostage until my return. That got him to laugh and it eased his tension.

"How long have you worked fo him?"

"A few years now, six give or take. He has always been fascinated by you and I didn't think he would ever make a move."

"What do you mean?"

"The first time he saw you was four years ago. I believe if my memory serves me right, you and your father were in Sydney."

"At the opera house?" I asked recalling we had gone to watch a live performance.

Wayne loved the opera house. I hated it but since neither of his sons were in speaking terms with him, his unfortunate daughter got dragged along.

"Yes. Since then you've been a fascination to him. I thought it was something he'll get over but look at you now. You're exactly where he wanted you."

I am not sure what to say.

"Be careful with him. He has an unhealthy obsession for you."

"All this time he's been interested in me."

"Yes. He was always in the shadows, you just never noticed. He was always so close to you Naila. So close."

A chill ran through me, making me shiver slightly as a strange thought came over. All the excitement I have faded away like a whitewashed wall on a rainy day. I have to ask Viktor if my sudden suspicion towards Stefan is right.

"Where was he two years and one month ago?"

That is the exact point of my life when I was assaulted. The party Tony threw me had a few faces I didn't know at that time. If Stefan was always in the shadows, then is he the one who assaulted me? Is he Bas' father and I have lashed out wrongly on Cole?

"Give me a moment." Viktor held up his finger his eyes sharply focused far ahead.

I want an answer. I am anxious.

"Viktor tell me!" I demanded.

"Wait here. Something is wrong." He said when the car slowly came to a stop. "What's going on?"

"Police check." The driver answered.

A wave of panic hit them both. If Bas was with me this would have been an opportune time for escape. But as long as he is back at the mansion, whatever goes down I have to return to the man who possibly ruined my life for my son's sake.

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Where stories live. Discover now