Chapter 17: A mother's sacrifice

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"Mel, Bas, I'm home." I announced my presence as soon as I opened the front door. "Mel I brought your favorite cake!"

My day has been successful. If things keep on moving as they are, I can give my son a comfortable life without breaking a sweat. I can't stop the big smile on face. I made my way to the kitchen setting down the grocery bag. I noticed the money left isn't there. Mel must have ordered a pepperoni pizza. It's her favorite. Or maybe she went out with Bas.

"Mel?" I called again, hating how quiet the house seems. "Mel I got you that chocolate milk you like as well. They didn't have strawberry." I am talking to myself at its best. "Melanie?" I kept calling making my way to her bedroom.

When I opened the door, I noticed there is no one. Even the red bag she brought with her is gone.

"Oh no!" I gasped. "If she's gone, then where is Bas?"

I rushed to my room, pushing the door open. It is dark but I quickly noticed what is the silhouette of a man in the shadows cast by the darkening evening.

He lit the nightstand lamp revealing himself. "I like chocolate milk." He smirked.


Everything seemed to spin too fast. Sebastian's crib is empty... Mel is gone... Stefan is in my bedroom... Everything is wrong.

"You grow more beautiful by the day." He spoke in a gentle tone. "So beautiful it hurts to look at you. Welcome home my love."

"Where are Bass and Mel?" I demanded, shaking violently with fear. "What did you do to them? I swear if you hurt them..."

He made a smug expression right before he held up my lace underwear. Why does he have it? "How do you fit in these? I would like to see you in them."


"Mel is long gone."

"Did you hurt her?"

He chuckled. "No. It's amazing how much you care about that selfish girl when all she has done is betray you."

He sniffed my underwear. "Do you taste as sweet as you smell?"

His dark gaze sent a chill through my entire body.

"What do you mean she betrayed me?"

"She gave me your son in exchange for her life. She didn't even say no when I demanded it."

"Where's Bas?" Mel's betrayal is nothing compared to my son missing. It will be addressed later. "Where is Sebastian you creep?" I asked getting closer to the man who doesn't seem bothered by my upset nature. "Where's Bas?"

"Calm down my beautiful girl. Bas is safe and sound. He will remain so if you do what I want."

I hated how completely helpless I am. Is he telling me the entire truth? His validity doesn't matter because my son's safety depends on my compliance. "How can I be sure he's alive?" I asked.

He rose to his feet and dialled a number on his phone. He spoke in Russian for a few seconds before he came over holding his phone for me to see.

"It's a live feed." He assured me.

My knees felt weak as I watched my son playing, oblivious of what is going on. He is so innocent and clueless but to some extent I am happy he doesn't know he has been abducted.

"Please don't hurt him."

He cupped my face but I slapped his hand away rather violently. "Like I said, he stays safe if you obey me. Displease me, try to run, call anyone even the police and I will kill Sebastian slowly and you can be damn sure I'll make you watch."

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Where stories live. Discover now