Chapter 12: Big Brother

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I am in no sense Mel's mother or older sister or anything for that matter. But is it wrong that I worry about her?

Since Ivan insisted that we leave he has been MIA and I am worried but Mel isn't. It's not that she doesn't like Ivan but rather she has a secret boyfriend she isn't even telling me about based on how much she is sneaking around. We tell each other everything... at least that is what I thought. Whoever this person is, he keeps her preoccupied.

I set my phone down after calling Ivan endlessly. He isn't picking. Could he proclaim doom is coming our way only to disappear into thin air? He was so sure we weren't safe to be making it up. Perhaps something happened that kept him from returning that night we kissed out on the terrace. Maybe the kiss scared him off. The first time Cole and I kissed, it was magical. I was only fifteen. He was twenty one. He was my first kiss and should have been my first everything but that kiss sort of scared him off. Perhaps Ivan doesn't want to confront his feelings and is avoiding me.

"I thought of a name." Mel interrupted my thoughts when she casually walked into my bedroom where I was changing my son's diaper. "I know Cole Michael didn't work for you but what about Sebastian Michael?" I frowned at how weighty the name sounds. "Oh come on Naila!"

"Lyn, call me Lyn!"

"Lyn, give your son a name already! I find it awkward that an entire month has gone by and you're still calling him 'baby boy'! Your son will have serious identity issues if you don't give him a name."

"Coming from a sixteen year old, I think I'll pass. You're not a bloody child psychologist to say my child will suffer from an identity crisis. I don't like that name. Especially the Michael part."

I picked him up slowly bringing him closer so that I can nurse him.

"What did Cole Michael do to you?" She asked relentlessly determined to ship that bloody name for my son. "He's a nice guy, the nicest guy alive with a golden heart and he's so good-looking and perfect and-"

"A bloody rapist!" I snapped startling her to silence then shock before she stilled. "That piece of scum raped me. So pardon me lassie if I'm not interested in naming my son after a brute parading around like a bloody saint." I have probably said too much. I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth but it is done. Now she knows why I am against that damn name.

"I'm sorry... I really am sorry, I didn't know-"

"I would rather not talk about it. If names are scarce I would rather name him Marc after my brother... for now. Please leave me alone I need to nurse him."

"Can I just say something?" I glared at her. "I think if he's the father, if you should deprive him of his right to be a father as justifiable as your reasons are, don't deprive your son of having his father's name. He's entitled to some sort of identity. Given yours is a facade, then Cole's is the only legitimate one he has."

She left me more upset than she found me. I hate to admit it but she is right. The rape was all Cole. I may want to punish him for it by keeping my son a secret but my son deserves to have a name to identify with instead of being another bastard in the world. His father is a freaking billionaire and he deserves that entitlement as well.

"Sebastian Michael Harrington." I whispered touching his dark hair. "Maybe I could call you Bas to make it less of a mouthful. But you better be a bad boy because Bas is pretty bad ass, don't you think?"

If he could answer I wonder what he would say but that doesn't matter. He needs some sort of identity so that I can finalize his papers.

"Sebastian Michael Harrington." I called him.

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant