Chapter 19: Maid

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Ten months and twenty-two days...

That is how long I've been with Stefan. I have made it a habit to keep a diary to recount everything that has happened to me and by far, the day I left the safety of the Manor was the day my life went to hell, I just didn't know it back then.

Bas is one year and four months old. Stefan threw him a lavish birthday party four months ago. It was a generous offer from him and I was grateful. My son has learned how to walk and I missed his first steps because he was not with me. His first word was 'mama' only that he said it to his governess and not me and now he had some sort of independence from me. It is like we were growing apart and I can feel it. Our bond is strained. He cries more for his governess than he does for me and he finds it perfectly alright when I am not around. It pains me deeply but on the positive side, as the weeks slip by, Stefan trusts me a little more each day.

I am not followed around the mansion anymore. I am allowed to go outside the mansion but not outside the gate. I still can't make outside contact but I hope he will trust me to that extent soon enough.

He still demands to be pleased and I do my best stomaching it all even faking orgasms when none are forthcoming just to earn some points with the devil. On some nights he doesn't want intimacy. He just wants to hold me through the night. I prefer those nights. He is a peculiar man with wild emotions. Sometimes he is happy and on those times I get to see Bas frequently. Sometimes he is angry and everyone stays out of his way. Amazingly though, he can lash out at everyone but not me. He is always gentle with me. He says I calm him down. That's a first. Nick used to say I rile him up.

Today is one of those days he is upset and the constant yelling from down the hall is evidence enough. A deal he was working on has gone bad. He made investments; that's all I know and want to know. The lesser I know the better. His business dealings are questionable.

"Again?" I asked Viktor who is the bodyguard assigned to me.

We have become friends over the months; at least when Stefan isn't looking, we can crack a few jokes. My game plan is to make as many friends as I need should the day come when I need to escape.

"This time it's really bad." He whispered. "Rumor is he has lost over one hundred thousand."


"Stolen," Viktor added. "It's an inside job so we are all suspects, with the exception of his lovely rose."

My heart picked up the pace.

"Who would dare steal from him? It's stupid."

"Only one person dared to. His older brother. Things aren't going so well for him."

I became immediately curious about more details. Stefan has never mentioned any family members. "What happened to him?"

"He's locked up down below and beaten every day. He hasn't killed him because he thought it would be too easy. Miss Naila, never cross him. He trusts you the most. Just imagine how angry it would make him if you betray him."

"I can only imagine it." I sighed.

The double doors flung open and Stefan stepped out of his office fuming mad. He threw me a nasty glare before coming over and grabbing me by the side of my arms.

"I need you to help me." He pleaded looking destroyed.

I was scared but I put on a brave face. "Of course. What do you need?"

I know what he needs. It is the same thing he needs when he is unstable. He took me away to his office and locked the door. As per routine I started to take off my clothes before he grew impatient but he stopped me when I had unzipped my dress halfway.

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Where stories live. Discover now