Chapter 6: Lies

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It's hard to get past a reality you cannot come to terms with it in the first place.

The person you least expect can hurt you more than a stranger.

My Cole.... my sweet gentle Cole Michael.

It was him that night. He is responsible for my sleepless nights, my pain, my struggle and the baby I am having will be a permanent reminder that the man I adore is the monster that hurt me.

For as long as I have known him, Cole has always been gentle. He's the perfect gentleman. On top of that, he loves me. Why would he want to hurt me? It just doesn't make any sense no matter how I look at it. I even tried to reason that watches looked similar and it may just be a bad coincidence but it happened at the Harrington Estate. But that crack right above twelve is not a coincidence.

Why am I still questioning everything?

I don't believe that Cole can hurt anyone let alone me. Doesn't he love me? He does!

It's not that we hadn't had sex before. We have and it was nothing like that night I was assaulted. I always gave in willingly. If our circumstances were different, we would still spend each night making love.

I must be in denial.

That denial is the reason I am determined to see Freya late in the night. I finished my shift over an hour ago and it is time to cut her off. I cant have anything to do with her or her son.

The butler was surprised to see me but he saw how angry I looked and avoided small talk. I didn't wait for him to call her. I made my way upstairs marching to her room. I wasn't thinking straight when I budged in only to find her reading a book in bed.

She lowered her reading glasses looking surprised.

"Sweetie!" She took a quick glance at her watch. "Is everything all right? Is the baby alright?"

She is nice but I want to stay away from the Harringtons.

"I'm ending our sessions."

It was the first thing that came to out of my mouth. She got out of bed at once.

"You can't be here. Cole is asleep two doors down from me." She whispered. "Unless you want to see him..."

When she said that I lost my line of thought. I touched my stomach. She is paying attention and realization hit her. "If it's Cole, if it's my son who assaulted you then let's wake him and settle this. That is his baby. He has a right now."

"Of course you feel that way. I'm done with therapy."

"Why do you want to end our sessions? Aren't they helpful?"

"No they aren't." I declined.

"Where is this coming from? You were quite okay the last time we spoke."

I was suffering underneath it the table. As soon as Cole excused himself to take a call, I bolted like lightning.

"From the fact that I'm done. Instead of making small talk with you, I'll get a bloody day job."

"This is too sudden. I don't like the way you make decisions Naila. You're too rush. I didn't tell him about you. I didn't say anything out of respect for your privacy." She spoke calmly in a lower voice. "I didn't mention the baby either. If you don't want to confront him, he will leave soon. I can send him away sooner if that will make you comfortable."

She is right. It is exactly about Cole. But how can I start explaining that her son is the reason my womb is housing an unwanted guest? That Cole isn't a saint as he purports himself to be but rather a beast that should be caged?

The Harrington Series Book#2: Naila's Misfortune Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora