Ch.19 I'll be your strength <3

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I know I haven’t written for ages , but I was doing exams ,the leaving cert, but now I’m back and I’ll be finishing this fanifc and starting 2 more…..thanks for the patience :D…..

As we walked around the shopping centre it felt absolutely amazing to have the girls back…and Nathan…obviously, but I really just missed the girls company. They understood everything that I was going through and didn’t judge me for it. I will never let these girls go again. I feel like the hole in my life is filled when I’m around them. This is my family and I’m never going to lose them. EVER.

I looked for something nice to wear, there wasn’t much. I bought some new shoes but just decided to wear something that I had at home. After our short shopping trip. Me and the girls went back to my place, to get ready and everything and have something to eat. As we pulled up to my gate, it was open and I could see one solitary police car in front of my house.

I walked up to the door not knowing what had happened.

 My cleaner ran up to me, ‘’I’m so very sorry miss, I had to leave them in’’.

I smiled, ‘’It’s ok Mary, I know, you can go home now if you want, don’t worry it wont effect your pay’’.

She smiled and nodded.

I walked into the front room and the girls followed.

‘’are you Megan?’’, this very nice police lady asked.

‘’yea, that’s me, what’s happened?’’.

‘’You may need to sit down’’, she looked sympathetic.

So I retreated to the couch where the girls gathered around, equally curious about what has happened.

‘’I understand that you have a brother named Daniel?’’.

I nodded quietly.

‘’well, I’m very sorry to announce that, last night at around 2;33am, she passed away’’, she waited for a reaction that I couldn’t give.

I sat there, no feeling in my body, I was numb. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move, and most of all…I couldn’t comprehend the news I was just given.

‘’Thank you’’, I whispered as she touched my shoulder and walked out of the house leaving details of everything with Jess.

I couldn’t cry, I didn’t know what to feel. Of course he was my brother, but, he hadn’t been himself for so long I didn’t know what to feel for him.

‘’I’ll call Nathan and the boys’’, Raven said quietly as she stood up.

I felt bad; I knew because I didn’t react, that they didn’t know how to react either. It was just a room filled with a horrible and awkward silence.

‘’their on there way’’, raven sat beside me with her arm wrapped around me, for support that I’m not sure I needed…or wanted.


Raven just called and told us to come to Megs as soon as we can. She said it was an emergency. So, we got to the car and Tom drove us to her house. I burst through the door.

‘’what’s wrong, what happened?’’, I asked slightly panic stricken.

I looked to the couch where the girls had their arms wrapped around Meg; she was still, no movement.

I knelt in front of her, caught her hands and looked her in the eyes, ‘’what happened?’’, I whispered.

I saw a single tear follow down her cheek before she spoke, ‘’ he’s gone’’, she whispered.

‘’who’s gone’’, I tried to ask as calmly as I could.

‘’my bother, he’s…he’s gone, forever…he died’’, she choked out the words.

 I let go of her hands and sat back on the floor, trying to understand all of this.

‘’when we got home there was a police car outside and she told us, we only found out about half an hour ago’’, Jess looked genuinely worried about Meg.

She pulled me aside, ‘’I’m worried about her Nathan, she didn’t react…ATALL, it’s almost like she doesn’t know how to feel about the situation or about him, you need to talk to her’’. I nodded and Jess went to the front room and cleared everyone out to the kitchen.

I walked in and she was still sitting there, stonily, almost in shock.

I sat next to her, ‘’ Meg, I know this is hard, but please, you need to say something, it’s not good for you to keep this all locked up inside of you, it’s not good for you, scream and shout, do something’’, I asked desperately.

Finally, she broke down crying and turned into my chest as I tried to comfort her, ‘’its ok, that’s right, get it all out’’, I held onto her tightly.

She looked up at me and sat up, ‘’ It’s all my fault’’, she stared down at her hands.

I pulled her face up to mine, ‘’this is NOT your fault, do you hear me? Never say that, I was close to your brother too remember, he brought this on himself’’.

‘’Nathan, I left him, he needed my help, he was my brother and I left him when he needed me the most, he had a problem and I just left him alone’’, she tried to blame it on herself.

‘’ you cannot blame yourself for this, yes, he needed help, but you needed to look after yourself first, you needed to feel better before helping somebody else, when your parents died, he should have been looking out for his little sister, not the other way round, I know, it’s terrible but, he genuinely was beyond saving meg, maybe, this was his time to go, nothing could have saved him in his state, and he probably knew that, please don’t blame yourself’’, I hugged her so tightly that she couldn’t break free.

She sniffled and looked at me, ‘’I love you, you know that?’’.

‘’I know, and I love you to’’.

‘’ what would I do without you, you’ve probably saved me from making another stupid mistake again’’, she half smiled through her tears.

‘’that’s what I’m here for remember’’, I kissed her on the forehead and hugged her.

‘’ok then, I’m upset, but, I feel that what happened, was for the best, you’re right, and He’s probably happier up there with my mam and dad now anyways’’, she took a deep breath through her tears.

‘’ I know that everything will be fine, because, well you’ve got me’’, I gave her a huge smile and she laughed.

‘’and us? Remember…?’’, Tom walked in with everyone.

She stood up and hugged everyone. Everybody in this room is amazing, the boys have become so attached to her I can’t even describe how it feels that everybody loves her so much.

…but now…the funeral arrangements…


I know its been a long time, but please keep reading and voting love you all :D...x

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