ch.14 we all wanna believe in love!

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When we got back to the hotel. I ran to my room quickly and threw on one of my new dresses. I put a bit mroe make-up on and then met everyone at the entrance of the hotel.

''WOW'', Nathan said aloud.

Realising what he said he went red and the boys teased him.

''SMOOTH, nath, smooth, but yes, she does look WOW'', Jay complemented me.

We said goodbye and met up with Jayne, her daughter and her friend. They were excited for the show and Jaynes daughter was just just so adorable. I was sat next to Jayne and we chatted about the boys and how funny they are.

She laughed,''thanks very much for asking us to come out tonight''.

''It's no problem, everyone needs a girls night out''.

The show began.

The show went so fast, it was fantastic, we stood up and gave a huge round of applause . Then Jayne, her daughter and her friend left us because tehy were going to get something to eat so we just went straight back to the hotel. We had a really good time.

When we got to the hotel I noticed there was a group of boys in the lobby. It was Liam and Nathan and all of them.

I was nervous, what the hell were they doing here.

I walked in the door to find them...LAUGHING!.

I walked up to Nathan then looked at Liam, ''EEmmm, what's going on?''.

Nathan explained, ''Well, me and the boys wanted to do something for the night, so we went bowling, but in the lane next to us were these rowdy one direction boys''.

Siva finished off the story, '' Yea, then we got talking and began to have a laugh, so we came back here to wait for all of you and then go to the hotel bar, AND here we are now''.

I laughed, ''Well that's not strange atall''.

''Tell me about it'', Louis said dramatically.

As Nathan wrapped his arm around me for us to walk down to the bar, from the corner of my eye I saw Liams face drop. Maybe nath was right, maybe I should stay away, Liam said he just wanted to be friends, but, looking at his face, I know that's not what he really wants.

I was worried about this but Nathan thought it was funny.

He whispered, ''I think that Liam has a thing for you''.

''Why would you say that?'', I asked guiltily.

He was joking but became serious, he turned to me and looked me straight in the eye, He spoke in disbelief, '' You feel the same way about him, don't you?, I know that look''.

I took Nathan aside as everyone walked on, I spoke urgently, '' Don't you dare, EVER, question whether  I love you or not, because you know I do''.

It was the truth, I do love him, with every bone in my body I do.

He smiled weakly,'' I know you love me, believe me i know tha, but, could their be a slight chance that you love someone else too?''.

He searched for an answer in my eyes, He knew the real answer as I lied, ''NO, never, ...mayybbeee, I love someone else in a friend way''.

He smiled, ''Please tell me if you do, because, I'm not gonna judge you, it's happened to me before, obviously, I wish I was the only one, but, I know that, that can't always happen''.

''nath, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH ANYBODY ELSE BUT YOU, I thought I made that clear when I shouted it out in the middle of New York City'', I tried.

''That's what i want to hear'', he smiled unconvincingly.

ch.1: The boy who saved meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin