ch.5 Lightening

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As we sat down I looked around at all the couples. You could clearly see what type of couples they were.

Tom and Alice are literally mental.

Siva and Raven are a bit shy together, but generally lovely.

You could tell Max and Lauren are the responsible ones, the perfect couple with brilliant personalities.

Jay and Sinead were just always hilarious 24/7 and total geeks.

Charlotte sat next to Jay aswell. You could genuinely tell that Jay loved Charlotte,in a best friend way of course.

I then looked next to me. Nathan was in the middle of me and Jess. I smiled to myself. They're such good friends, it was almost like she was his little sister.

Then I thought about myself. I must really look out of place. Just as I was getting deeper into my thoughts Nathan caught my eye. I didn't realise that we were looking at each other for ages.

Alice sat up, '' Hey, wait a second,are they together now to?, they look all lovey dovey''.

I noticed that her loud personality is exactly like Toms.

I began to turn bright red. The boys were laughing at my embarrasment.

Nathan caught my hand, '' What are all of you laughing at?, she is my girlfriend you know.''.

I was as shocked as everybody else.

we all said, ''WHAT?!?!?!?!'' at the same time.

I turned to him, ''When were you planning on telling me about this?''.

''Now?''', he said slowly.

the boys shook their heads slowly and Max spoke,''He's in for it now''.

''you didn't even ask me!''.

''I did, but it was me asking you indirectly'', he gave me a big smile.

He went to wrap his arm around me but I shrugged it off. I knew I was winding him up . Everybody else knew that to.

''What now?'',he asked.

''you can't just decide by yourself that we're together!''.

''FINE, megan, will you go out with me PLLEEAAASSEEEEEEEE'', he stared at me intensly with those beautiful eyes, He knew full well that I couldn't resist them.

''No'', I stood my ground.

Jess looked at me and winked. I could tell she was thinking, 'you go girl'.


Sinead smacked him over the head and told him to shut up, which resulted in a lot of laughs.

I got a text , it was from Nathan. He was sitting right next to me, I opened it, ''PLLEEAASSSEEEEE..X'', I burst out laughing. Everyone looked at me like I was a mad person but then resumed watching the TV.

I text back, ''I'll think about it..x''.

I stood up to go to the kitchen,I asked anyone did they want anything but they shook their heads. I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water when I felt arms around my waist. I didn't say anything.

He spoke, ''Why won't you go out with me?'', he asked almost upset.

Iturned to him , his arms still wrapped around me. I spoke,'' look, Nathan,you have absolutely no idea about how much I like you. I just think we should take it slow. I really like you and I don't want to rush anything''.

He looked at the ground,'' So that kiss meant nothing to you at all?''.

I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him abit, ''Of course it did, it felt unbelieveable, I can't even explain with words how it made me feel''.

He smiled, ''Don't explain with words then,explain like this''.

He came closer to me,'' please, Nath you're making this harder''. I put my two hands on his chest. 

He pulled me into his body, '' you're making this harder, can't you see that I just want to be with you?''.

''Nathan, I've known you for two days, I refuse to fall for somebody this easily, espeically after two days, it's completely unrealistic''.

He put his forehead against mine,'' No it's not, it's like Romeo and Juliet, they were happy and loved each other''.

 I couldn't help but laugh, ''yeah, look where that got them, their dead''.

He rolled his eyes, '' this is what I get for trying to be romantic''

I giggled.

''Look, please, If we like each other this much, then surely we'll feel like this after a few weeks''.

''A few weeks?'', he groaned.



I kissed him softly on the lips, '' thank you'', I whispered.

He laughed, ''Meg,you're not exactly helping the situation by kissing me''.

I laughed, ''you'll survive''.


sorry it's a bit short, i Have more but i can only pur it up on friday....:D...hope you like

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