That seemed to make the boy freak out even more, and he paled, practically turning into a ghost. "Triplett?" He asked himself.

"Is he really this stupid?" Reichiru whispered.

"Oh yeah. He does this all the time." Hikaru told her.

"It's pretty much a daily thing by now." Kaoru said.

"Well, that seems... annoying to deal with." Reichiru muttered. "Can I just sit in the back of the room? Where nobody will see me?"

"Of course not." Hikaru and Kaoru exclaimed.

"You'll be sitting right between me and Kaoru! You're not getting out of our sight!" Hikaru exclaimed, grabbing Reichiru's hand, his grip too strong for Reichiru to pull away.

"Do you really think Reichiru wants to sit between you two when you do your act?" Haruhi asked, looking at the three with an unamused look on her face. She seemed like the only reasonable person here.

"Their... act?" Reichiru asked.

"Hikaru and Kaoru are famous for their 'brother love' act." Kyoya explained, and Reichiru understood what he was talking about.

"There is no way I'm sitting between you guys while you put up with your act." She stated, finally able to pull her way from Hikaru's grip. "Would it work for me to sit at a different table?" She asked.

"No way! You're sitting between us and that's final!" They both exclaimed, both of them now holding her hands, making it impossible for her to escape.

Behind the three, the door opened, and Reichiru looked behind her to see the titan and the small child entering the room.

"Ah, Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, you're just on time." Kyoya said, "We'll be starting in a few minutes, so get prepared."

A few minutes later, Reichiru wa sitting between Hikaru and Kaoru as they talked to some girls, making them swoon with just a few words.

"Oh Hikaru~" Kaoru whined, laying over Reichiru's lap, causing her to tense up, and look down at the boy. "It pains me to have someone between us." His eyes were watering, tears seeming to form.

"I know Kaoru, but we'll just have to bear it." Hikaru responded with tears in his eyes, cupping his brothers face with his hands. "But I can't bear it,not feeling my shoulder against yours."

Oh my God, kill me now. Reichiru thought, holding back a gag. Though looking in front of her, she noticed that the girls were swooning from this act, their faces red, and hearts in their eyes, though she noticed that two of the girls were glaring at her, both of them seeming to want Reichiru to move away from the two boys.

As much as Reichiru wanted to do just that, there was something preventing her from getting up and walking away. And that something was Kaoru laying across her lap and leaving her unable to move. A sudden, crazy idea came to her mind, and as much as it sickened Reichiru to even think about what she was about to do, it would make the girls stop glaring at her.

"Hikaru... Kaoru..." she started, making her voice slightly whiney, though not enough for it to sound grating on the ears, "I though you loved me." Looking slightly to the side, Reichiru made her eyes water slightly. She could easily tell from the corner of her eye that the two of them were looking at her in shock. "Am I... or am I not your Triplett?"

"Oh Rei." Hikaru whispered, placing his hand on her chin, making her look towards him, and Kaoru sat up, his hands grabbing Reichiru's. She had to force herself to keep the act up, and not gag or even attempt to pull away.

"Well always love our sister." Koaru assured her.

"Please never leave us again." Hikaru finished.

By the end of it, they were both pressing their faces against Reichiru's their auburn hair merging together. Looking forwards, Reichiru noticed that the girls seemed to be soaking up the scene, the two who had previously been glaring at her with jealously were now as red as the girls beside them, hearts surrounding the whole group.

Looking off to the side, she noticed that Kyoya was looking at the two, his glasses glinting in the light of the room as he looked down in his binder, writing things down. Reichiru knew that couldn't be a good sign.

What did I just get myself into?

Writing that last scene just made me... die a little on the inside. I'll be completely dead by the end of this book I swear to Lucifer.

Reader: Sin, aren't you already dead on the inside.

Me: ...Maybe...


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