Chapter 35

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Amina POV

We pulled up to what I assume is the safe house and I got out the car slamming the door behind me. I could hear his footsteps following behind me but I was already knocking on the door. The door was swung open and I see his aunt with a smile on her face "Well hello dear how did-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because I sent a glare her way and pushed pass her. I'm pretty sure she knew all along that I was fucking around with her nephew. I felt kinda whorish to get knocked up by two brothers. I called for my kids and they walked in with Noah carrying a smiling Aaliyah. I quickly grabbed Aaliyah from him since it looked like he was having a bit of a hard time. I turn to see his aunt with a heartbroken and confused looked on her face. Which is kinda ironic considering every person I'm in contact with is breaking my heart. I can't seem to catch a break dealing with her family. Alejandro then decided to make an appearance and leaned down to whisper in his aunt's ear making a look of realization cross her face. She was about to start speaking when I held up my hand and sent a small "Don't." her way.

I walked back outside with maddy and Noah following me. I strapped a cooing Aaliyah in her carseat and told the kids to buckle in while I took my place in the passenger seat. "Mommy" I hear Noah say. I let out a soft hum to show that I'm listening. "You're hurting again aren't you?" he said. I swallowed before telling him I'm okay.

The driver door closed and the car sunk a bit before the sound of driving lulled me to sleep

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The driver door closed and the car sunk a bit before the sound of driving lulled me to sleep.

I looked over at Amina to see tear streaks on her sleeping face and faint marks from where I gripped her. "Why does every guy do this to our mommy" I heard Madison "whisper" to Noah. I tuned more into their conversation waiting for him to reply. "I don't know. I will be better though. I think mommy should be with my daddy he is only mean cause of grandma" he said. I furrowed my brows. I liked Madison better anyway. "Grandma? How" Maddy asked. "When the big people took mommy and I she was there telling him to do mean things to mommy but mommy was still sleeping." I swerved a bit at the revelation. It shocked the kids. We pulled up to the house where the kids hopped out the car. I gathered a sleeping Aaliyah and handed her to Noah before telling them to wait. Opening the passenger door I picked amina up and got a guard to open the door. Carrying her upstairs I laid her in bed and went downstairs to see the kids with one of my maids. "Take them to clean up and get ready for bed" she bowed and walked with the kids following her. I grabbed noah by the collar "Not you" I said handing aaliyah to Maddy. I walked with him to my office before sitting across from him "Let's talk son" I said watching him shrink back.

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