Chapter Four

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Amina POV
"Becca?" I say, great can my day get any worse first I'm pregnant then I see the chick he cheated on me with again. She looked at me me with her eyes red and tears swelling up waiting to spill over and I could not bring myself to care the least bit. " Amina I am so sorry I never wanted to hurt you a day in my life. You were my sister you are my sister I feel the pain just as much as you do I honestly think maybe you are overreacting just a -" I know this bitch ain't serious she didn't even finish her sentence before I punched her dead in the face for having me all types of fucked in the ass. I can't believe the nerves of some people.

Walking away I go to look for Landon to tell him the news when I see him with Rebecca... What the Fuck didn't I just lay her out on the ground. I walk up to them when I hear something that made me lose my breath."Landon we should have told her we were messing around months ago so we wouldn't be in this situation" I hear her say. Months this has been going on for months. " I should have never started this with you in the first place I am in love with Amira and I wasn't thinking straight" I come from the shadows "Months" I looked around bewildered nor able to focus on much and I grab my head and laugh " You have been cheating on me for months and I never noticed anything this ..this is crazy I can't believe the nerve of you Fucking guys you laughed and smiled in my face" I broke down crying " You said there was no one as special as me in your life and you would never hurt me .. Does anyone else know?" They looked down with guilt " Marie and Lyric" they mumbled. I sucked in my breath and that's when I turned and when to find my "best friends". I looked everywhere until I finally found them sitting in the lunch room laughing and smiling. "You two knew I was being Fucked around with for months" I said walking up to them and their facial expressions was enough for me to know the truth. "We didn't want you to get hurt"Lyric stated

"You hurt me more not telling me then hiding can I trust anyone anymore" I turned and walked to my car getting in and driving home.

One Month Later
Its been a month and I have developed a bit of a baby bump. Today was graduation and as soon as I was off that stage I'm off to England with my money I have from my great aunt's will. I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy yet and Im not sure I really want to. They don't deserve to be in my life or my child's life. I guess Rebecca took my place with my crew cause word is her and Landon are UCLA's hottest couple ideal friends and all.

Im just happy it will all be over soon I don't know if I could take much more from everything here I feel myself slowly slipping into depression and I don't like this feeling that taking over me. I hear my mom call my name and say that were leave and Rebecca already left with friends.

~skip graduation~
Its late at night and time to put my plan in action. I wrote a letter to my parents explaining everything to the day I found out Landon cheated but leaving out the whole pregnancy .I sat my phone on the bed and grabbed my bags and suitcases making a few trips up and down stairs for all of them and putting them in my car and drove in the night to the airport. Once I got there a nice man offered to help me get my bags out of the car and into the airport. "Flight 432 To England Is Boarding" I hear a lady say over the intercom in a monotone voice. I guess that's me.Along with another man on the same flight I get my bags and board the plane ready to start over finally and live life for the better and stress free.

Rebecca At The Top

Authors Note-Should she have a son or daughter first person to comment gets to choose

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