Chapter 30

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Amina Pov
While I'm in the shower I hear a door slam open and hit the wall. I just sigh already knowing it's Alejandro. I see a figure through the blurred glass of the shower before it's yanked open and he steps his way in. I just continue to wash myself not even in the mood. "Look at me" he puffed out. I just continued rinsing the soap risidue off before I'm yanked and slammed against the wall. "I said look at me. I don't know what your fucking problem is but it needs to end now." He sneers. I try to yank myself from his hold failing obviously. "My problem is that I don't want to be here. You constantly look at me like I'm ungrateful like it's my fault I'm here. Blame my fucking parents. Blame my whore sister. Blame your damn self. My daughter is fucking afraid and though he doesn't say it. I see the way Noah looks at you and the terrified looks he gives everytime he sees a van or this damn house. So that's my problem right there." He just glares at me before letting me go. I get out the shower and dry off getting dressed. I lay in bed until I hear the shower turn off and pretend to be sleep when I hear him enter the room and turn off the light. He lays in bed behind me before pulling me close and whispering "I'm sorry" almost making me turn to him but I just stare ahead at the wall.

~the next morning~
I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and eating apple slices. "You like him I can not tell. Not just the like like I like my dolls but Tiana and Naveen like" I hear Madison say and then look up to see her in the kitchen doorway. I motion for her to come sit which she does. "What makes you think thag sweetie" I question. "Well when grandma liked us still she said you know when two people like each when their eyes sparkle. I didn't know what she meant until now. It's okay mommy I won't be scared anymore" she said sadly. I stared at her shocked. "Who said that your grandma doesn't like you anymore" I asked. She looked down. "Noah" she said softly. "And who told Noah "Then man who took us. He's Noah's Daddy's Dad. He told him while you were sleeping" she said shakily. I assumed by sleeping she meant knocked out. I sent her on her way and went on my search for Alejandro.

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