Chapter Nine

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Amina POV

I woke up to warm breath tickling the back of my neck and something hard pushing between my legs. I shifted a bit making the hard thing press into more causing me to moan. I turn around to see Landon behind me and his ... erection. "Fuck" I sat up. "Landon wake up" I said patting his arm. He didn't wake up so I got up and got a cup of ice water and poured it on his face making him jump up. "Oh good you're up" I say smiling. "Where are my kids?" I questioned.

          "My mom came and got OUR kids this morning" he replied. "Oh... Well get the hell out" I said simply. He looked at me trying to look hurt but I see right through him. "Baby we gotta talk about us" he said and I gave him a really bitch look. "Get the Fuck out" I said pointing to the door and he got up and walk towards the door mumbling under his breath."Yeah keep walking" I heard the door slam and I began to take off my clothes and take them to the dryer. I have the house alone since my parents are away for two weeks.

         I heard a knock on the door and cursed before grabbing a towel out of the downstairs closet and wrapping it around me before opening the door."Hey Am-" Eli started to say before stopping and staring. "Uh did I come at a bad time" he asked trying to look at my face but failing. Its was making me a bit hot to be looked at with such lust and desire."would you like to come in"I asked biting my lip "Sure" he said and rushed in. I told him that I would be back and to give me ten minutes.
         I took a quick shower and got dressed in some short shorts and a sports bra already knowing what he might be here for. "So Wassup" I asked as I descended the stairs. "I was wondering if you wanted to practice the dance since were blindfolded and stuff" I replied with sure and took him to the studio inside of the house before we began practicing. He kept having to tell me to trust him when I kept getting nervous of the lifts drops and all that. At the end he kissed me a little bit longer than needed and I didn't move to push him away.

-Mild Sexual Content-
He raised us back to standing height while still kissing before trailing the kisses down to my neck sucking and biting softly. He then slid his hand up my stomach before grabbing my breast and pinching my nipple causing me to moan softly. Turning me around he bent me over the Barres (ballet pole thingy) and grinded his erection into my kitty causing me to bite my lip. He slid my panties to the side inhaling my scent "delicious" he said before taking a long lick up my slit making me tighten my grip on the Barres and moan. He put two fingers in me making me clench around them as he started thrusting them into me and sucking on my clit causing my legs to buckle a little and a small chuckle from him. He stood up and pulled my shorts down along with my underwear and then started to unzip his pants when we heard knocking and the doorbell ringing.
-Sexual Scene Over-

      I gasped and my eyes shot open and I hurriedly pulled up my pants and turn to a blushing Eli and rubbed my arm before sprinting out of the room to the front door opening it to reveal.

... Rebecca?

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